Wednesday, the Senate voted a bipartisan rebuke of Betsy DeVos. It accomplished that by overturning a significant White House rule that limits debt relief when deceptive schools con students by misleading them. They make false claims about students’ earning power and opportunities for work. She only wanted partial instead of the full loan forgiveness that President Barack Obama implemented.
In a rare bipartisan vote, 53-42, the Senate struck down her rule. Ten Republicans joined the Democrats. The House of Representatives had a companion resolution ready to go with it. Now, this legislation will head to Donald Trump who ultimately decides whether to veto it or not.
DeVos’s changes forced each student to prove the school intentionally misled him or her. They also had to prove they were harmed by this deception, and set a three-year deadline for their claims.
A spokesperson for the department Angela Morabito said, according to The New York Times:
‘It’s disappointing to see so many in Congress fooled by misinformation from the left and the fake news narrative about our efforts to protect students from fraud. Students, including veterans, who are defrauded by their school and suffer financial harm as a result deserve relief, and our rule provides them relief.’
Senator and Minority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL) said that her changes:
‘[M]ade it extremely difficult for these students to get any relief. The students are up in arms over it, and I’m joining them. All of us have said how much these veterans and their families mean to us. I’m urging my colleagues to show America that when it comes to supporting our veterans, the Senate, on a bipartisan basis, can come together and do the right thing.’
Trump said he would forgive loan debt for “permanently disable veterans:”
‘[O[ur wounded warriors are not saddled with mountains of student debt.’
DeVos’s rule allowed schools to con veterans out of G.I. Bill benefits. This brought some of the Republican senators on board with the Democrat’s rebuke.
Assistant Director of the Veterans Employment and Education Division of the American Legion John Kamin said the legislation would just protect veterans as scammers who swooped in:
‘It’s a fact that they are often singled out and targeted with deceptive, fraudulent and predatory college recruiting practices. This rule is not a pathway to relief for student veterans, it is a wall to it.’
Federal Policy Manager of Veterans Education Success James Haynes said:
‘Veterans had a target on their backs when they were in uniform, there’s no need to have one again when they go to college. These veterans need borrower defense. They need their government to stand up for them just as they stood up to serve our country. The 2016 rule did just that.’
Senate Minority Leader Chuch Schumer (D-NY) held a news conference and said:
‘He had to pay $25 million for ripping off the kids. But many of these institutions have done even worse. Students cheated by the for-profit schools deserve the same support that those who went to Trump University have gotten.’
Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) was not pleased with the measure. As the chair of the Senate Education Committee, he said that President Obama just went too far. Devos merely restored it to fit the original interpretation of the law:
‘If your car is a lemon, you don’t sue the bank — you sue the dealer. A college can be a lemon just like a car can be. But unlike a car, if your college is a lemon, you do sue the bank — which is really the taxpayer.’
‘[Ms. DeVos] restores due process, the rule of law, and student choice [and Trump’s advisors] would recommend that he veto [attempts to overturn it.]’
Deceptive schools conned about 170,000 individuals out of about $535 million.
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