Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet


Late into the night as this weekend dawned, the Democrat-led House passed a new Coronavirus relief funding package, which is set to “provide free testing, extend unemployment insurance and ensure paid leave for some workers,” CNN’s Manu Raju notes. Each of these elements and the others included in the bill could be very relevant for many Americans who end up temporarily out of work because of fears about possible Coronavirus spread. This Saturday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted about the new relief funding package like Republicans had anything to do with it, although in the House, the GOP petulantly held back their support as long as possible and, like loyal minions, only ceded after Trump said he’d support the bill.

And it doesn’t end there — Senate Republicans originally also insisted that they wouldn’t support the measure, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) derided the legislation as an “ideological wish list,” although it was set to tangibly protect struggling American families. Trump and the GOP can not take pretty much any credit for this — but he tweeted:

‘Good teamwork between Republicans & Democrats as the House passes the big CoronaVirus Relief Bill. People really pulled together. Nice to see!’

Trump also tweeted about one of his favorite pastimes: watching the stock market. He noted the impressive spike in the stock market’s value on Friday — and he completely ignored the also historical plummet in value that had come just the day before. He simply completely ignored that Coronavirus-induced panic drop. One would be hard-pressed to make up that level of detached ignorance.

Check out more from the president, who also retweeted a slew of propaganda messages from and about conservative activist Candace Owens.

Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.25.56-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.25.48-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.25.40-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.25.29-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.25.16-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media

Check out Twitter’s response below..

Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.29.28-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.29.07-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.28.55-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.28.36-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.28.26-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media Screenshot-2020-03-14-at-9.28.08-AM Trump Walloped Over Saturday COVID-19 Funding Tweet Healthcare Social Media