Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die


This week, the state of New York alone confirmed more Coronavirus cases than any other single country outside the United States, passing 161,000 cases, compared to some 157,000 cases confirmed in Spain as of early Friday. The U.S. seems poised to suffer a higher confirmed death toll from the virus than any other single country anywhere, with well over 1,000 deaths confirmed in three individual states and counting — and as these dismal numbers accumulate, Trump is still focused on his television ratings. President Donald Trump is not offering some kind of leadership for Americans amidst the crisis. He’s obsessing over how many people are watching him on television.

After announcing the time for the daily Coronavirus task force press briefing, Trump tweeted:

‘Because the T.V. Ratings for the White House News Conference’s are the highest, the Opposition Party (Lamestream Media), the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats &, of course, the few remaining RINO’S, are doing everything in their power to disparage & end them. The People’s Voice!’

He’s gone far off into the deep end of his egomania. The press conferences are not “the people’s voice.” They’re the voice of Donald Trump, who’s lying over and over again on a pretty much daily basis at the events. He’s used the forums for a range from whining about media coverage of his administration to disparaging reports of the duly documented, basic facts of what’s going on in the U.S. amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. Members of the media aren’t launching some grand conspiracy to silence “the people” — they’re trying to manage the self-confident stream of lies that the president has been spouting that could put people in literal danger if they take his “advice” to not take the virus too seriously.

This Friday morning, Trump also wished his followers a “happy” Good Friday — which is a bit odd, because the occasion is a somber traditional observance of the crucifixion of Jesus; the “happy” part is on Sunday, which is Easter — and he touted poll numbers from who knows where showing a supposed sky-high approval rating among Republicans.

Check out Twitter’s response below…

Screenshot-2020-04-10-at-10.59.15-AM Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-10-at-10.59.03-AM Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-10-at-10.58.35-AM Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-10-at-10.58.14-AM Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-10-at-10.57.50-AM Trump Shouts About TV Ratings While Americans Die Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories