Rabidly Anti-Gay Bishop Invited To WH For Easter Blessing


This past Friday, the White House hosted a religious leader to deliver an Easter prayer who’s previously gained infamy for proceeding to outrageous extremes in campaigns against the acceptance of LGBTQ individuals. On Friday, President Donald Trump himself called Bishop Harry Jackson a “highly respected gentleman” during his introduction at the White House for the figure, but in the past, Jackson’s commentary has included a declaration that the push for gay marriage legalization in the U.S. was part of a “Satanic plot.” Jackson has also previously compared the time in which gay marriage was advocated for and eventually legalized to the time when none other than Adolf Hitler led Germany.

And this is the guy whose supposed greatness Trump touted. It’s unclear who exactly may have been responsible for Jackson’s invitation to the White House.

His previous comments weren’t exactly a secret, however. In 2011, speaking with the Sons of Liberty Radio in reference to gay marriage, Jackson insisted:

‘I especially believe that what we’re dealing with is a Satanic plot to destroy our seed. And we have a minority group in a sense that has decided they are going to impose their will on the culture.’

It’s worth noting that around the same period, Trump was pushing his idea that then-President Barack Obama maybe actually wasn’t born in the United States after all. There was never a shred of evidence for that assertion. Trump and his allies appear to have simply been driven up the wall by their terror at a black man serving as president.

The year after his above commentary, Jackson appeared on the American Family Association’s radio show “Nothing But Truth,” where he suggested that LGBTQ individuals “impose their will on the culture” since they “cannot reproduce [and] may try to recruit.” He added:

“The reality is just like during the times of Hitler, we have people coming after one group after another group after another group, and folks are saying, ‘Well this doesn’t affect me, I’ll let this slide’.”

During that same year, Jackson also insisted that those on his side “need to steal back the rainbow” because they “can’t let the gays have it.” And again, this is the guy who the president’s team thought it was a great idea to bring to the White House to deliver an Easter blessing.

During his remarks, Jackson said that those on his side “want this plague to pass over,” and after he was through, the president called his remarks “beautiful.” The problem, though, is that calling the Coronavirus a “plague” as if it’s some kind of metaphysical happening seems like an attempt to absolve those of responsibility who, like the president, could have worked to prepare for the virus earlier and thereby saved lives. Just this weekend, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health admitted that earlier action from the president could have saved lives, although he acknowledged that other frequently unpredictable factors have weighed on the situation as well. Still, while these questions rage, the president is launching into self-aggrandizement spectacles with people like Jackson.