Trump Unleashes Ridiculous Saturday Twitter Spiel


Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, which is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to claim a total of over 100,000 American lives by June 1, President Donald Trump’s focus remains with getting back at his political opponents. To that end, he recently suspended U.S. funding for the World Health Organization over baseless allegations that they have been unduly “China-centric” in their virus response. This Saturday morning, Trump took to Twitter with a message addressed to Fox News host Lou Dobbs defending his administration’s deliberations surrounding the WHO funding. Reassuring Fox News hosts should not be the president’s priority while an average of over 1,000 Americans die a day due to the Coronavirus.

Trump tweeted:

‘Lou, this is just one of numerous concepts being considered under which we would pay 10% of what we have been paying over many years, matching much lower China payments. Have not made final decision. All funds are frozen. Thanks!’

Trump did actually get around to again ludicrously addressing his team’s Coronavirus response. He claimed that he’s done a great job — although tens of thousands of Americans are dead. These deaths were not inevitable.

Trump also posted some racist nonsense on Twitter, because no morning Twitter meltdown from the president would be complete without it.

He suggested that the Mexican government is somehow ultimately responsible for the activities of transnational drug cartels that also operate in the United States. In his message about the cartels, Trump could have proposed some kind of assistance for the Mexican government, and he could have at least suggested some kind of concrete plan for dealing with the groups — but instead, he stuck to his mindless Twitter rants as if this is all just a game to him.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-05-16-at-9.26.26-AM Trump Unleashes Ridiculous Saturday Twitter Spiel Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-16-at-9.29.59-AM Trump Unleashes Ridiculous Saturday Twitter Spiel Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-16-at-9.29.45-AM Trump Unleashes Ridiculous Saturday Twitter Spiel Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories