Biden Embarrasses Trump With New Attack Ad Exposing Incompetence


President Donald Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus has been an abject failure by any reasonable measurement. The U.S. is quickly approaching a total of 100,000 deaths due to the disease, and research came out from Columbia University in recent days outlining how tens of thousands of lives could have been saved if social distancing demands were enacted just a week or two prior to their actual implementation date, thereby stemming the spread of the virus earlier. In a new video ad released by the Biden campaign, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden hammers Trump as “too weak to lead” in the wake of the Coronavirus devastation that Trump has helped exacerbate via his inaction.

In the ad, a narrator says:

‘When Coronavirus came, Trump froze like a deer in the headlights. For months, the threats grew bigger, the warning signs became more ominous, the alarms flashed red, and there was our president: unprepared, indecisive, frozen, paralyzed by his fear of offending the Chinese government and losing his precious trade deal, panicked at the thought of what a stock market collapse would mean to his re-election, so he failed to act, and the virus got out of control.’

As the narrator also outlines, the Coronavirus has sparked tens of millions of unemployment claims as people have lost work all around the country amidst the desperate social distancing initiatives meant to try and stem the spread of the virus. Watch below, and hear the narrator also hammer Trump as “too weak to lead”:

The Coronavirus seems set to inevitably majorly weigh on the 2020 presidential election. Besides the fact that concerns about in-person voting safety or the lack thereof have driven elections officials towards developing procedural alternatives like expanded mail-in voting options, the virus is projected to possibly kill tens of thousands more Americans in coming weeks and months, according to sources like the University of Washington. Indeed — the number of new Coronavirus infections recorded in the United States on a daily basis has remained staggeringly high, hitting a total of over 28,000 new infections this past Thursday alone. As long as new infections are recorded, new deaths will likely follow.

Biden has consistently led against Trump in polls on both the national level and the levels of individual swing states around the country. In a Fox News poll released just this week, Biden led on the national level by 8 percent.

Check out Twitter’s response to Biden’s new ad below:

Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-10.44.28-AM Biden Embarrasses Trump With New Attack Ad Exposing Incompetence Donald Trump Election 2020 Healthcare Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-10.44.03-AM Biden Embarrasses Trump With New Attack Ad Exposing Incompetence Donald Trump Election 2020 Healthcare Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-10.43.49-AM Biden Embarrasses Trump With New Attack Ad Exposing Incompetence Donald Trump Election 2020 Healthcare Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-10.43.26-AM Biden Embarrasses Trump With New Attack Ad Exposing Incompetence Donald Trump Election 2020 Healthcare Politics Social Media Top Stories