Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence


President Donald Trump has responded to an outbreak of violent protests in Minneapolis over the police murder of a black man named George Floyd by seeming to call for violence against the demonstrators. In a post that Twitter actually ended up censoring because of its glorification of violence, the president insisted that the Military would “assume control” if the situation got further out of hand, threateningly tweeting that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Hillary Clinton condemned the president’s call for violence in a public statement that she posted on Twitter this Friday, and she insisted that Trump must be replaced as president.

Clinton posted on Twitter:

‘he president of the United States is calling for violence against American citizens. That is so wrong. We need honest reckoning and reconciliation. If you haven’t already joined the work to replace him in November, start now.’

Trump has largely yet to acknowledge the racism weighing on the situation in Minneapolis. In some of his recent public commentary about the issue, he vaguely called for “justice,” and that’s it. As his more recent commentary has revealed, the president’s idea of “justice” includes violence against protesters who he doesn’t like, apparently. It’s far from the first comment like this from the president — around the time of the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, who Trump had nominated and who was accused of sexual misconduct, which sparked protests, the president suggested that protesting should be made illegal in the United States. Like a wannabe authoritarian dictator, he said that he thinks “it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters.”

In this situation, the president has failed to inspire any sort of systematic confidence in his leadership, although the Justice Department has apparently launched their own investigation of George Floyd’s death.

Check out Twitter’s response to Clinton below:

Screenshot-2020-05-29-at-10.10.15-AM Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence Activism Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-29-at-10.10.02-AM Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence Activism Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-29-at-10.09.44-AM Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence Activism Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-29-at-10.09.16-AM Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence Activism Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-29-at-10.08.46-AM Hillary Openly Mocks Trump For Inciting Violence Activism Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories