“Two Corinthians” Donald Trump crashed the Saint John Paul II National Shrine without the permission of the Knights of Columbus, a group that maintains it. Real Christians, even small ones, know that this book in the Bible is pronounced “Second Corinthians.” Trump did not care. That is one of the characteristics of the malignant narcissistic personality. He also randomly crashes weddings at his resorts.
This particular problem started after Trump turned out all the lights in the White House during the protests across the street — for the first time in 131 years. Then, he went to the secret bunker:
‘After 131 years the lights of the White House go out again, case that did not happen since 1889 #Anomymous pic.twitter.com/TjHKKzPQ6t — Anonymous (@AnonymousArgNew) June 2, 2020’
After 131 years the lights of the White House go out again, case that did not happen since 1889 #Anomymous pic.twitter.com/TjHKKzPQ6t
— Anonymous (@AnonymousArgNew) June 2, 2020
Washington Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory was not pleased with the president and released a statement, according to The USA Today newspaper:
‘I find it baffling that and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree.’
Clearly, Trump has been trying to cash in on his religious opportunities. Some would say he is a good actor. POTUS pulled out his military to force a peaceful crowd of protesters away with tear gas and flashbangs. Then, he traipsed from the White House to St. John’s Church.
The president and First Lady Melania Trump planned a trip to the St. John Paul II National Shrine on Tuesday, just hours later. The Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went with them.
This monument was dedicated to the Catholic Pope John Paul II, who was from Poland. The Saint was well-remembered for his fight against communism. Apparently, Trump likes him, because he tweeted a photo of the sainted Pope on his 100th birthday.
As Trump rode to the national shrine, anti-police brutality protesters gave him a one-finger salute while others held signs calling Trump a “bunker b*tch.”
ABC News White House correspondent Jon Karl commented:
‘These were the images Donald Trump could see out the window of the presidential limo as his motorcade went from the White House to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine.’
Bishop John Stowe from the Diocese in Lexington KY tweeted that he hoped that someone at the church would do a sermon about Jesus’ enemies and “called out for their hypocrisy.”
The Episcopal Bishop of Washington D.C. Mariann Budde, was “outraged” by the president’s photo-op stop in front her boarded-up church, St. Johns is often referred to as the church of the presidents. Vandals meticulously set the church’s nursery on fire.
Although these destructive individuals claimed they were part of the peaceful protest, thus far, no one has recognized them. Twitter indicated that white supremacists were actually behind the damage.
Non-followers of Trump onTwitter had some fun at Trump’s expense after the White House released a slick version. Then, others tweeted the reality of the commander-in-chief stroll and Bible-thumping:
‘Back at the White House minutes after his staged church event yesterday… pic.twitter.com/1B4GuU4z3d — CitizensFedUp (@CitizensFedUp) June 2, 2020’
Back at the White House minutes after his staged church event yesterday… pic.twitter.com/1B4GuU4z3d
— CitizensFedUp (@CitizensFedUp) June 2, 2020
‘Another alternative mix: pic.twitter.com/ToXY4dgPbT — Food Sack (@SackFood) June 2, 2020’
Another alternative mix: pic.twitter.com/ToXY4dgPbT
— Food Sack (@SackFood) June 2, 2020
‘I fixed your video for you, the music wasn’t good! pic.twitter.com/PCO5MiLL2y — Dave’
I fixed your video for you, the music wasn’t good! pic.twitter.com/PCO5MiLL2y
— Dave 🇦🇺🏳️🌈🏀🎮 #BLM (@DaveJ1738) June 2, 2020
News Australia said that the police assaulted a cameraman on assignment with his baton. There was no distinction between the peaceful protesters and the media. Trump has long considered the media to be his enemy. NPR’s Yamiche Alcindor tweeted the truth about “what was happening:”
‘Here is what was happening outside the White House as President Trump was giving his Rose Garden address and saying he is an “ally of all peaceful protestors.” Peaceful protestors being tear gassed outside of the WH gates. I confirmed because I was teargassed along with them. pic.twitter.com/yg0wbSrIXn’
Here is what was happening outside the White House as President Trump was giving his Rose Garden address and saying he is an “ally of all peaceful protestors.” Peaceful protestors being tear gassed outside of the WH gates. I confirmed because I was teargassed along with them. pic.twitter.com/yg0wbSrIXn
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) June 1, 2020
Apparently, POTUS did not see the irony of the Secret Service firing flash bangs and tear gas to part the crowd so he could traipse to St. John’s Church. Once there, he used the president’s church as a backdrop. Worse, he used the Bible as a prop:
‘You think that bible will help you get re-elected ? Is it a calling card for your racist white pride boys? One thing for sure when you meet God Allah or Jesus Christ -yr hands will burn -u believe in nothing – @WhiteHouse: pic.twitter.com/KnNUwjldn1 — John Cusack (@johncusack) June 2, 2020’
You think that bible will help you get re elected ? Is it a calling card for your rascist white pride boys ? One thing for sure when you meet God Allah orJesus Christ -yr hands will burn -u believe in nothing – @WhiteHouse: pic.twitter.com/KnNUwjldn1”
— John Cusack (@johncusack) June 2, 2020
Good Morning America tweeted:
‘NEW VIDEO: Peaceful protestors were forcibly cleared outside the White House to make way for President Trump to walk across the street to St. John’s Church for a photo op, holding a Bible, following Rose Garden remarks threatening to deploy the military into Americans cities. pic.twitter.com/YZG5EvNY44 — Good Morning America (@GMA) June 1, 2020’
NEW VIDEO: Peaceful protestors were forcibly cleared outside the White House to make way for President Trump to walk across the street to St. John’s Church for a photo op, holding a Bible, following Rose Garden remarks threatening to deploy the military into Americans cities. pic.twitter.com/YZG5EvNY44
— Good Morning America (@GMA) June 1, 2020
‘With Lafayette Square sealed off and looking like a war zone, hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters are gathered outside the park, farther away from the White House.#WashingtonDCProtest pic.twitter.com/eCnSYQD5xB — Harbpeace (@Harbpeace) June 2, 2020’
With Lafayette Square sealed off and looking like a war zone, hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters are gathered outside the park, farther away from the White House.#WashingtonDCProtest pic.twitter.com/eCnSYQD5xB
— Harbpeace (@Harbpeace) June 2, 2020
‘MSNBC – 6/2/2020 – @FrankFigliuzzi1 talking about the white house politizing the protests“My law enforcement sources are saying that their challenge is made even more complex by the fact that they are feeling pressure… to focus their efforts on certain groups” pic.twitter.com/hkRzsQlXMf — CaseStudyQB (@CaseStudyQB) June 2, 2020’
MSNBC – 6/2/2020 – @FrankFigliuzzi1 talking about the white house politizing the protests
“My law enforcement sources are saying that their challenge is made even more complex by the fact that they are feeling pressure… to focus their efforts on certain groups” pic.twitter.com/hkRzsQlXMf
— CaseStudyQB (@CaseStudyQB) June 2, 2020
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