Trump Snaps At ‘Overrated’ Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout


The Senior Editor of The Atlantic David Frum appeared on Meet The Press Sunday morning. He was talking about his book Trumpocalypse and Donald Trump’s. ridiculous request for a military parade like Russian President Vladimir Putin has. Frum quipped about how the military felt about it, “Don’t make us do your Bar-Mitzvah parade.” Four-star generals have come out against POTUS in droves.

The Republican four-star General Colin Powell served in the George W. Bush White House. His roles included: National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He was the latest military man to come out against Trump publically.

That fried the sitting president. He tweeted a list of his own supposed accomplishment to show how wonderful he was. Someone ought to tell POTUS that he should not have reminded people that he gave huge tax cuts to his very wealthy one-percenters and put a couple of Mar-a-Lago members in as the shadow Veterans Administration management.

The regulations Trump cut were done in a fit of pique against President Barack Obama. Ever since 45 took office, he has been trying to destroy his predecessor’s accomplishments. The man who occasionally sits in the Oval Office tweeted:

‘Somebody please tell highly overrated Colin Powell that I will have gotten almost 300 Federal Judges approved (a record), Two Great Supreme Court Justices, rebuilt our once depleted Military, Choice for Vets, Biggest Ever Tax & Regulation Cuts, Saved Healthcare & 2A, & much more!’

Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.14.21-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Twitter world went wild after POTUS denounced Powell. Here are a few of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.14.36-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.18.39-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.17.41-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories



Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.16.58-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.18.12-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-07-at-10.16.26-AM Trump Snaps At 'Overrated' Colin Powell During 2nd Mid-Morning Freakout Election 2020 Featured Military Politics Top Stories

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