Trump Has ‘Vote-By Mail’ Meltdown During Friday Morning Freak-Out


Donald Trump is having the worst election season ever, and it’s all of his own doing. His ridiculous arguments against DACA were handily shot down by the Supreme Court, his hopes of winning any significant portion of black Americans’ votes were officially dashed, and his approval rating has sunk to the levels of his impeachment hearings.

To fight all of this, Trump and the Republican National Committee are spending millions of dollars for lawsuits to fight mail-in voting expansion. Trump described the fight to POLITICO as critical to his winning reelection. In other words, voters might actually kick him out of the White House and he wants to ensure that they can’t.

‘My biggest risk is that we don’t win lawsuits. We have many lawsuits going all over. And if we don’t win those lawsuits, I think — I think it puts the election at risk.’

When asked earlier in the week by Fox News if he would accept the election results if he lost, Trump answered that he would “leave peacefully” if voters elected Biden and sent him packing. In his new White House interview with POLITICO, Trump changed his tune.

‘Well, you can never answer the second question, right? Because Hillary kept talking about she’s going to accept, and they never accepted it. You know. She lost too. She lost good.’

For the record, Hillary Clinton beat Trump with more than three million popular votes and Trump was elected by the electoral college, not the people. Also, Clinton called Trump the day after the presidential elections to concede the race.

Screen-Shot-2020-06-19-at-9.05.46-AM Trump Has 'Vote-By Mail' Meltdown During Friday  Morning Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-19-at-9.05.56-AM Trump Has 'Vote-By Mail' Meltdown During Friday  Morning Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

Trump also warned Republicans running for reelection in 2020 that he will make them suffer if they stand against him. Trump explained the dissent by some of his own party members by saying “we will, on occasion, have some senators that want to be cute. And they don’t want to embrace their president.’ Perhaps that’s because they’re starting to realize the president might not be reelected.

‘The president’s rare admission of concern about his political future comes at the most precarious moment of his presidency. Polls have shown the president trailing in an array of key states — some of which haven’t been lost by a Republican in decades — amid criticism of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and his response to the protests against police brutality.’

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