Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation


Twitter is Donald Trump’s domain, his megaphone to blast the nation with his incessant tweeting. What would life be like if he did not work his thumbs down to nubbins on his tech tool? He would not be able to threaten individuals, including politicians, and companies to tow his lying line or face catastrophic results. People would not be able to retweet his virulent rants against immigrants after POTUS tweeted, modeling violence for his followers. Hate crimes would go down. Then, this happened.

Americans have watched as the commander-in-chief extended his reach to undermine the media, divide the country, or spin out propaganda as facts.  POTUS could not incite violence among the white supremacists, degrade the office of the president, or promote Russia.

People would not have been mesmerized into his flock or fallen for the crazy ideas that he was a modern-day prophet — or profit, a chosen one, and yes, even the chosen one.

Unfortunately, he does have a Twitter account that has been running wildly unchecked for the past four and one-half years. That has allowed him to spew his diarrhea of the tweet across the country. Then, as Trump frequently says “a miracle happened.”  Twitter caved and started to monitor the president.

Finally, the company took down an image that the U.S. president posted, after The New York Times complained about copyright infringement, Reuters reported.

Now, people wonder what did it say or show? On June 30, he posted a meme that said:

‘[In reality they’re not after me they’re after you I’m just in the way.’

At issue was the photo behind these words. It pictured POTUS when he was a mere candidate, in September 2015. Twitter pulled the meme and replaced it with a message that read:

‘his image has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder.’

Twitter, Inc. has been flagging or removing a number of Trump’s posts. They fell under the violation of its policies, threatening violence, copyright laws, and the list goes on.

This incident came after Twitter received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint from the New York Times The Times owns “the rights to the photo, according to the notice posted on the Lumen Database.” This organization “collects and analyzes legal complaints” and removes requests regarding online postings. The social medium took down Trump’s tweet.

Last May was the first time Twitter, Inc. decided to challenge the president. Since then, Trump has declared all at war with the company. Yet, he dare not completely blow it up, because how would he talk to his followers then?

As usual, he attacked — hitting back 10 times harder than he was hit. He threatened the company, saying he would change the laws on social media. Twitter had dinged him for posting a tweet about vote-by-mail lies. Then POTUS posted a tweet about looting, which was totally inaccurate. Twitter took that one down for “fomenting violence.”

Trump posted a campaign tribute video that featured a Black man George Floyd, who was murdered in cold blood by a police officer. The president’s tweet was disabled by Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for copyright infringements that time.

This is how his last Twitter ding appeared:

Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-9.22.00-AM Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories

Twitter world went wild on both sides of the great divide. Check out some of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-10.03.56-AM-1 Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-10.04.19-AM-1 Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-10.05.28-AM-1 Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-10.04.36-AM-1 Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-07-02-at-10.05.01-AM-1 Trump Tweet Boldly Removed By Twitter After Blatant Violation Featured Media Politics The Internet Top Stories

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