On Monday, the same president whose administration said would be focused on the “issues” during the last 100 days before the election spent the day tweeting and ranting about protesters and Twitter’s trending list. Apparently, those are the issues most important to him.
The Fake News Media is trying to portray the Portland and Seattle “protesters” as wonderful, sweet and innocent people just out for a little stroll. Actually, they are sick and deranged Anarchists & Agitators who our great men & women of Law Enforcement easily control, but who…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2020
….would destroy our American cities, and worse, if Sleepy Joe Biden, the puppet of the Left, ever won. Markets would crash and cities would burn. Our Country would suffer like never before. We will beat the Virus, soon, and go on to the Golden Age – better than ever before!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2020
Just as conservatives once fear mongered around the Civil Rights protests in the 1960s, Trump has beat the drum about “anarchists” and “rioters” for weeks. With little else to brag about since the coronavirus epidemic is spinning out of control once again and millions of new unemployment claims have been filed, Trump has bragged about sending federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security into Portland, Oregon and now other cities to brutalize peaceful protesters along with the handful of people causing trouble.
Trump’s complaints about Twitter while Americans suffer a plunging economy and a rocketing virus spread is just par for the Trump administration course. His endless whining about being “censored” by social media when he doesn’t get the crowd reactions he wants misses a broader point: the majority of people just do not like him.
As for Trump’s “make America great again” slogan, it’s really lost all of its meaning. Trump has been in office for nearly four years after promising to make America great again, so are we making American great again again or did he not live up to his promises the first time? Most voters would take that second option.
Twitter had a big reaction to Trump’s series of Monday night tweets. Read some of their comments below:
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