Ben Sasse Responds To Trump’s Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult


Republican lawmakers tend to get a lot of praise for standing up to Donald Trump, who holds them on a short lease under the threat of being called out on Twitter, which could result in them losing supporters and their jobs, as a result. On Monday, a Twitter fight broke out online between Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) and the president. While Sasse was praised in response by some on Twitter, others pointed out that his efforts are far too little, too late. Those efforts are also, at a bare minimum, what Republicans in Congress should already be doing.

Following Trump’s executive orders on aid for COVID-19, none of which appear to be enforceable since only Congress has the power to tax and spend, Sasse criticized those orders as “slop.”

‘The pen-and-phone theory of executive lawmaking is unconstitutional slop. President Obama did not have the power to unilaterally rewrite immigration law with DACA, and President Trump does not have the power to unilaterally rewrite the payroll tax law. Under the Constitution, that power belongs to the American people acting through their members of Congress.’

Donald Trump, never one to let a criticism go and who should be focused on the serious issues facing Americans right now, was quick to tweet and then retweet insults at Sasse.

Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.30.10-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter

In addition to his laundry list of reasons why he criticized Trump, Sasse included his campaign ad, in which he promises voters to stand up for them even against his own party when he feels that they are wrong.

Twitter, however, has not forgotten Sasse’s vote on impeachment back in January. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.18.37-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.18.54-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.19.49-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.20.14-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.20.32-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.20.56-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.21.24-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-10-at-6.21.42-PM Ben Sasse Responds To Trump's Twitter Tantrum Like A Real Adult Coronavirus Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Impeachment Politics Top Stories Twitter

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