‘Almost Daily’ Coordination With Kanye West Uncovered By ‘Forbes’


Seldom has there ever been a more fitting pairing than the racist Presidential Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West. Trump thinks minorities should be kept out of white suburban neighborhoods and West thinks slavery was a choice. One brags that he grabs women by their genitals, the other once famously stormed a stage at an awards show to tell an underage girl that she didn’t deserve to win.

Welcome to the 2020 presidential elections.

‘The Trump campaign team has denied using Kanye West to split the black vote to take them from Democrats and reduce the left’s chances of winning. However, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been reportedly meeting secretly with the troubled West, indicating that there is a direct connection between the Trump and West presidential campaigns.

According to The Daily Beast:

‘Kanye West has reportedly been in regular contact with President Trump’s son-in-law since announcing his bid for the White House, so much so that the rapper’s been telling those around him that the two talk “almost daily.” Sources cited by Forbes on Wednesday said the meeting reported between West and White House adviser Jared Kushner last week was not a one-off but part of a much closer relationship that has led some within West’s circle to suspect Kushner is trying to take advantage of the star’s mental issues during his spoiler campaign.

The meeting is not the first indicator of Trump’s involvement with the West presidential campaign. Trump campaign lawyer Lane Ruhland was recently seen on camera taking signatures to the courthouse in order to get West’s name on the Wisconsin ballot. As a lawyer for Trump’s campaign, it’s a clear conflict of interest and ethical violation.

‘West has not denied that his long-shot campaign is intended to put a dent in support for Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, and though both Trump and his campaign have denied involvement, there have been plenty of signs suggesting otherwise—including an attorney representing the Trump campaign reportedly filing West’s nomination paperwork in Wisconsin.’


The Trump campaign’s push to get West on the ballot in order to sway black voters is also entirely insulting to black voters, as it assumes that black American voters will vote for any black candidate regardless of the clear signs that he suffers from some sort of mental illness. Of course, the Trump campaign could just make their platform more geared to ending white supremacy, but his voters would flee if he did. So, Kanye West on the presidential ballot it is.

‘One source close to West told Forbes that Kushner appeared to be using some form of “reverse psychology” in his interactions with the rapper. West, in turn, has reportedly insisted to associates that “Jared’s scared and doesn’t want me to run because he knows that I can win.” But he still described the White House adviser overseeing Trump’s re-election campaign as his “boy.”’

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