‘Senior W.H. Official’ Leaks Trump Secrets To Save America


It has surprisingly turned out that certain Republicans are some of the loudest anti-Trump voices in the room. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich plans to speak at the Democratic National Convention on behalf of Joe Biden on Monday night. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) slammed Trump’s COVID-19 response in an interview in the same day. The Lincoln Project, a group of Republican strategists and political commentators, have released some of the best attack ads against Trump. Now, the anonymous op-ed writer who penned a scathing rebuke of Trump in 2018 has issued a warning: re-elect Trump at your own peril.

Two years ago, right around the resignations of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and chief of staff John Kelly as well as the firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, an anonymous op-ed in The New York Times by a writer who claimed to be a Trump official said that an anti-Trump coalition had formed in the White House comprised of officials who tried to keep Trump from ruining the country. Now that officials has called for Americans to vote Trump out of office.

POLITICO reports that:

‘The self-described “senior Trump administration official,” who anonymously trashed the president’s leadership in a 2018 op-ed and a 2019 best-selling book, is calling for voters to throw the president out of office this November in a new preface for the paperback “2020 election edition” of the book, “A Warning.”’

The writer pulled no punches, warning Americans what will happen if Trump serves in office for a second term when he doesn’t have to worry about a voting bloc to reelect him. Considering that he’s already been impeached for extorting a foreign country, doing worse than that is a scary prospect indeed.

‘A second term for Trump “unbound will mean a nation undone,” the author writes in the new preface, which was obtained by POLITICO ahead of its release on Tuesday. It will result in “a continued downward slide into social acrimony, with the United States fading into the background of a world stage it once commanded, to say nothing of the damage to our democratic institutions.”’

It is likely that we will know the identity of the anonymous writer before the election, as they promised to come forward more than a year ago:

‘As far as anonymity is concerned, I will not keep my identity shrouded in secrecy forever. I am not afraid to use my own name to express concern about the current occupant of the Oval Office. Donald Trump has not heard the last of me.’

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