Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos


During his speech last night for the Democratic National Convention (DNC), President Barack Obama attacked Donald Trump by name, which just might have been a first. Take away a person’s name, and that takes away his or her power to a certain degree. Still, Obama’s comments may have just opened a dam of reserve, and now, traditionally quiet the high-level politicians have been landing on Trump’s neck like a pack of hungry wolves.

Former presidential candidate, governor of Florida, and both son and father of US presidents Jeb Bush condemned POTUS for his attachment to the conspiracy group QAnon. The group refers to itself as “Q” for short, although the reason behind that has been perplexing. Q’s members tend to be pretty wacko, but they run in the millions, a crop of votes that Trump just could not resist.

This was how thinking Republicans felt about the strange organization, even Fox contributor Guy Benson:

‘just awful

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 19, 2020’

The Bush family has been firmly in the Republican camp for at least half a century. Jeb Bush queried:

‘Why in the world would the President not kick Q’anon supporters’ butts? Nut jobs, rascists, haters have no place in either Party.’Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.01.57-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

What is QAnon? The New York Times reported:

QAnon was once a fringe phenomenon — the kind most people could safely ignore. But in recent months, it’s gone mainstream. Twitter, Facebook and other social networks have been flooded with QAnon-related false information about Covid-19, the Black Lives Matter protests and the 2020 election. QAnon supporters have also been trying to attach themselves to other activist causes, such as the anti-vaccine and anti-child-trafficking movements, in an effort to expand their ranks.

‘QAnon has also seeped into the offline world, with some believers charged with violent crimes, including one QAnon follower accused of murdering a mafia boss in New York last year and another who was arrested in April and accused of threatening to kill Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned that QAnon poses a potential domestic terror threat.’

Twitter world went crazy after Bush tweeted. Take a look at some of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.02.48-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.03.35-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.08.12-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.08.43-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-08-20-at-9.08.57-AM Jeb Bush Publicly Shames Donald Trump & His GOP Wackos Conspiracy Theory Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

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