Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse


The United States is in the throes of crises that President Donald Trump himself helped exacerbate, including the Coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic slowdown, and what’s the president focused on this weekend? Television ratings! After apparently closely following news coverage that covered the television ratings from the recent Democratic and Republican National Conventions, respectively, Trump took to Twitter on Saturday morning to rant about the subject. He sounded delusionally convinced that there’s some kind of nefarious conspiracy against him, just because news outlets reported on the comparatively high television viewership for the Democratic Convention.

Before about 10 A.M. on Saturday, he’d tweeted or retweeted about 26 messages and counting. He tweeted, among other things:

‘Wow! Despite the Democrats views across TV and online lie (Con!), we had 147.9 million, the Republican National Convention blew the Democrat National Convention AWAY. Not even close! Just like their lies on Russia, Football (PLAY!) and everything else! NOVEMBER 3rd. My Campaign, despite all of the Fake News, Fake Books, and pathetic reporting written about me and it, has more spirit and enthusiasm than ever before, including the great and wonderful Campaign of 2016!’

Check out some of the tweets below:

It’s unclear how exactly that supposed level of high online viewership for the Republican National Convention actually breaks down. Single individuals can be responsible for multiple online views, and the Fox News report revealing the high viewership claim isn’t exactly very explanatory. It says that the convention “brought in 147.9 million total views across television and online between Monday and the end of Thursday night’s programming, according to a senior campaign official” — and that’s pretty much it, although campaign officials clearly have an incentive to bend the truth. Online views could, it’s worth noting, even be from folks who are in Europe (or anywhere else on the planet). Views from Trump supporters who are somewhere like the U.K. or France don’t exactly have any relevance for the U.S. presidential election.

Nevertheless, Trump tweeted self-confidently about the situation, complaining:

‘Too bad we don’t have honest reporting when it comes to “Trump”. Phony sources, they say anything and think they get away with it. November 3rd.’

There was no conspiracy against Trump. The ratings numbers that revealed Democrats leading on at least a couple major fronts came from Nielsen and covered major U.S. television stations — very basic stuff.

Among other things, Trump also retweeted the claim that D.C.’s Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) supposedly withheld protection from RNC attendees at the White House just because they’re Republicans. There is absolutely zero evidence for this claim.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-10.00.59-AM Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-10.00.07-AM Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-9.59.25-AM Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-9.58.41-AM Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-9.58.25-AM Trump Suffers 26-Tweet Saturday Morning Mental Collapse Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories