Trump Makes A Fool Of Himself On ‘Fox & Friends’ During Morning Flop


On Tuesday, Donald Trump was back on home turf after an alarming indoor rally in Nevada, singing his own praises to the hosts of Fox & Friends. Guided along a path of insanity by hosts Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade, and Ainsley Earnhardt, Trump opened up on his opponent’s alleged drug use, his desire to kill Syrian leader Bashar al Assad, rigged elections, and his plans to return to the show every Monday morning until the election.

Trump repeated his claims that his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, is taking performance-enhancing drugs in order to have all the “clarity” he’s displayed during the presidential campaigns. Steve Doocy first goaded him into that conversation, but then tried to tamp it down by saying that perhaps Biden just drank “a lot of coffee.” Trump laughed but then went right back to the rambling, frantic, conspiracy-minded talk that rivals the craziest ideas ever uttered by an chemically impaired person.

Trump also rambled his way right into revealing a significant lie he’s already told. When Watergate journalist Bob Woodward’s book, Rage, was released, Trump discounted the truth of the book by pointing to Woodward’s reporting that the president had wanted to bomb Syria and take out leader Bashar al Assad when he used chemical weapons against his own people. General Jim Mattis was reported to have dug in his heels in order to prevent the president from doing so. Trump said the entire book was a lie, as evidenced by the story, which he said never happened.

On Tuesday morning, Trump told the hosts of Fox & Friends that Mattis is a “highly overrated” general, as evidenced by the time when Trump wanted to take out Syrian leader Bashar al Assad but Mattis didn’t want to.

After complaining that the election would be “rigged,” Trump told the morning hosts that he was scheduled to appear on the show every morning between now and the elections, just like “the old days.” Apparently, no one actually told Fox News or the producers of Fox & Friends about it, leading Doocy to tell the president “you may want to do it every week, but Fox is not committed to that.”