Trump Campaign Caught Hiding Large Payments To Secret Adviser


The Trump campaign has been caught apparently hiding payments to top adviser Jason Miller, who is currently in a legal battle over child support payments after he had an affair and child with former colleague A.J. Delgado, who worked on the Trump team in 2016 alongside Miller. Potential hidden payments could help Miller in the child support case, because if he can prove that his income is supposedly too low to fulfill potential requirements that could be imposed, then he might be able to keep more of his money for himself. HuffPost reporter

Miller’s company, SHW Partners LLC, has not once appeared in the 2020 campaign’s federal expense reports either. So is someone at the campaign intentionally hiding payments in order to help Miller in his court case? If the Trump campaign is getting someone else to pay Miller, then that could be an illegal in-kind contribution to the campaign. The Trump campaign has been embroiled in an illegal in-kind contribution scandal in the past. Authorities concluded that a hush money scheme targeting women with whom Trump had affairs constituted an illegal in-kind contribution to the campaign, and Trump’s former longtime fixer Michael Cohen went to jail over it.

In 2019, Miller reported an income of $683,660, according to court filings. He’s been ordered to pay $3,167 per month in child support — although for a period of six months recently, he only paid $500 a month, despite reported expenses including almost that much — $473, to be exact — for “maid service.” He has since resumed paying the full child support amount, and last month, in a court filing, he claimed to be getting an income of $32,606 a month from his company, and nothing from the Trump campaign. HuffPost reports that “Neither the Trump campaign nor Miller responded to numerous HuffPost queries regarding the hidden payments over a period of many weeks.”

Delgado commented this week that the Trump campaign is helping Miller “skirt obligations as much as possible, as his income is directly relevant not only to child support and child support arrears he owes our son, but even relevant to attorneys’ fees.” It’s one of many apparent corruption scandals continuously embroiling the Trump team.