Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade


President Donald Trump is consistently publicly flailing as the general election approaches and his re-election chances continue to sink, according to available polling. On Thursday afternoon, he fired off a series of ten tweets that contained utterly baseless nonsense about his political opponents, as if he is endlessly determined to find a conspiracy against him right around every corner. He claimed, for instance, that the Michigan Secretary of State had intentionally misprinted a comparatively very small selection of ballots that excluded Mike Pence’s name — but there’s no evidence of an intentional misprint. Trump also claimed that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to get rid of private health insurance plans for 180 million Americans, but Biden clearly and explicitly does not.

Trump tweeted:

‘The Democrat Trump Hater Secretary of State of Michigan, purposely misprinted Ballots for the Military, putting the wrong names on the Ballot, and actually listing a member of another party as a replacement for Vice President @Mike_Pence. Everybody is totally confused by their egregious behavior, which is just the way they want it. This was not a mistake, it was done illegally and on purpose. We want Mike!’

Again — there’s no evidence for this claim. The allegation that the Secretary of State in Michigan intentionally misprinted the ballots is total and complete nonsense. Trump pulled it out of thin air. What benefit would Democrats even get from excluding Mike Pence’s name on a comparatively tiny selection of ballots? These half-baked conspiracies are kooky — and Trump had more of them.

He also tweeted that “Unsolicited Ballots are uncontrollable, totally open to ELECTION INTERFERENCE by foreign countries.” This is untrue. There is no evidence of foreign countries interfering in the mail-in voting process. How would they even do that? Mail-in ballots have to be tied to individual voters. Ballots can’t simply be printed out and mailed in and then counted without any sort of screening. A top intelligence official recently told reporters that they “have no information or intelligence that any nation state threat actor is engaging in activity … to undermine any part of the mail-in vote or ballots.” No information — not some, no information.

Check out some other posts from the president below. As for his claim about Biden and healthcare, Biden explicitly opposes doing away with private health insurance plans and replacing them with “socialized medicine.” Trump’s lying.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.18.09-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.17.50-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.17.32-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.16.41-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.16.02-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories

Screenshot-2020-09-17-at-3.22.57-PM Trump Fires Off 10-Tweet Afternoon Meltdown As Re-Election Chances Fade Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories