GOP Humiliated After Anti-Biden Report Drops & Is A Total Dud


Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees have recently been carrying out the political agenda that helped get Donald Trump impeached. Trump tried to bribe Ukraine into investigating unfounded allegations against the Bidens of corruption, and although Trump got caught before any major part of the sought-after investigation was able to be implemented as the president’s team had wished, Senate Republicans have carried the torch and investigated the Bidens. On Wednesday, Senate Republicans on those two committees released a so-called “interim” report summarizing their findings, and it’s an embarrassment. There’s basically nothing of any major consequence there.

The original allegations against the Bidens hinge on the idea that, while vice president, Joe Biden used his position to benefit his son, Hunter, via pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that had been investigating a company that Hunter worked with. In reality, as has already been publicly established, there is no apparent evidence tying Joe’s pressure against that prosecutor to his son’s work for the company in question. Joe was not alone in singling out the prosecutor — it was the position of many Western interests. Senate Republicans and their allies seemingly want to find some kind of covert self-enrichment scheme. It’s just not there — there is no apparent evidence, at all, of any kind of corrupt or self-serving actual tangible impact on U.S. foreign policy that stemmed from Biden connections to Ukraine.

POLITICO characterizes the new Senate GOP report as “largely a compilation of previously public information — some of it rehashed anew by witnesses who already testified during the House’s impeachment inquiry last year — as well as news articles and strongly worded insinuations with little evidence to back them up,” adding that the report “adds little new” to the issue and “does little to substantiate allegations against the Democratic presidential nominee, which have been fueled in part by foreign actors linked to the Kremlin whom U.S. officials have said are attempting to interfere in the 2020 election.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) denounced the report. He commented:

‘It reads as if Putin wrote it—not US Senators The bogus narrative of this “report”—peddled by a Russian disinformation campaign—was disproved by every witness who testified This entire disgraceful affair should be relegated to the dustbin of history.’

Recently, the Treasury Department issued sanctions against Andriy Derkach, who the department says has been pushing Kremlin-backed anti-Biden conspiracies. He is among those who have been trying to gin up concern around the Bidens and Ukraine. Those behind the new Senate GOP report claim that they were not informed by Derkach.