Video Of Wild Brad Parscale Arrest Released To Media


Donald Trump does a serviceable Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland, who screams “Off with their heads! Off with their heads!” Last June, he tore into the Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, whose unforgivable sin was getting too much publicity. It was as if the president feels the man was literally stealing limelight that belonged to him.

Instead of Trump’s explosions exhausting him, the president seems to feed off of his rage, which can be part of the narcissistic disorder. Certainly, the commander-in-chief’s outbursts wear on many in the White House, fraying their nerves until they leave out of self-preservation. There are those who seem to let such anger roll off of them. Then, there are those who take it too long.

Last summer, Trump demoted Pascale from campaign manager to senior adviser for data and digital operation. The last straw for the president was his Tulsa, Oklahoma rally. The campaign had hyped huge crowds, Instead, hundreds of teens using TikTok and K-pop pranked the president by requesting over a million tickets.

Trump walked onto the stage to find a smattering of people in the large auditorium, and he was furious. There were about six-thousand attendees, according to The New York Times.

Parscale’s wife called the police when he barricading himself into the couple’s home in St. Lauderdale, Florida. He had guns, and she was terrified. Mrs. Parscale fled the house, went to the neighbors, and made the call from there. The South Florida  Sun-Sentinel reported:

‘It’s unclear what they were arguing about, but she says she fled the house in fear and ran to a neighbor’s residence, from which she called the cops.’

In her call, his wife said her husband was armed, had barricaded himself in the home, and was threatening to kill himself. The problem started with an argument between Candice Parscale and her husband:

‘The confrontation with officers started after an argument between the couple. Candice Parscale says her husband chambered a round into a pistol during a heated exchange between the two.’

Screen-Shot-2020-09-28-at-2.08.47-PM Video Of Wild Brad Parscale Arrest Released To Media Election 2020 Featured Mental Illness Politics Top Stories
Source: Screenshot via YouTube.

Fort Lauderdale Police released their body camera footage showing the arrest of Brad Parscale on Monday. They arrested him at home, because he was threatening to do harm to himself with the loaded pistol:

‘His wife contacted us and it was a short encounter, he came out peacefully.’

He walked outside peacefully without his weapon. Police tackled the 6’8″ tall man when he came over to talk to them. Parscale can be heard on the police cam saying:

‘I didn’t do anything.’

Parscale told The Daily Beast he had been depressed for months:

‘[It] still came as a shock to many in Trumpworld who hadn’t realized how severe matters had apparently gotten.’

Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Lauren Dietrich told the Sun-Sentinel his officers restrained him and transported to Broward Health Medical Center where he was detained for psychiatric evaluation under the state’s Baker Act.

The police chief said:

‘We went out and it was very short. We went and got him help.’

Mayor Dean Trantalis spoke to The Daily Beast:

‘Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis confirmed that a SWAT team was called to the former Trump campaign manager’s house after his wife called police. The mayor said Parscale wanted to harm himself and had guns, though he said Parscale was not carrying a gun when he surrendered.’

White House Communications Director Tim Murtaugh released a statement:

‘Brad Parscale is a member of our family and we all love him. We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible, The disgusting, personal attacks from Democrats and disgruntled RINOs have gone too far, and they should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this man and his family.’

Trump gave Bill Stepien the job campaign manager after he demoted Parscale.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

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