Michelle Obama Issues Passionate Leadership Message To American Voters


Michelle Obama came back into the 2020 presidential campaign to urge Americans to vote for Joe Biden (D) “like your lives depend upon it.” To be sure, it just might. Donald Trump has exploded our national treasures of respect, patriotism, and compassion. Instead, he has replaced them with hatred, rage, and chaos. She asks do we want four more years of that?

The brilliant attorney who was once President Barack Obama’s boss modestly described herself on Twitter as a “girl from the South Side.” The former first lady sent out three tweets, each a short video with a powerful message.

The former “First Lady. Wife, mother, dog lover. Always hugger-in-chief” spoke to Americans about our message to our children:

‘No matter what party you usually vote for. To please take a minute to pause. Click off the news. Think about how you felt. Over these last four years. How quickly things have turned.  And. then think about what the next four years can mean for our country’s future.’

She continued, asking people to “search your hearts and conscience:”

‘[It is a message] to our children, to what we value, Think about what could compel you to this chaos, violence, and confusion. Country spiral out of control. We. know exactly who this president is.  Search your hearts and conscience. Go to Iwillvote.com Get your ballot and a plan. Then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it. ‘

Mrs. Obama’s tweet reminded us that we only have 15 days left before the voting booths close. She urged people to share this video:

’15 days. That’s all we’ve got. If you or someone you know is still deciding how or if you’re going to vote, I hope you’ll take a minute to watch and share my message. We’ve got to get everyone we know to vote for @JoeBiden in numbers that can’t be denied.’

Then, we were able to hear Michelle Obama’s Full Closing Argument for Biden in this tweeted video:

‘Here’s my full closing argument for Joe Biden. I hope you’ll share this, too.’

The television show West Wing‘s stars returned to urge people to vote for Joe Biden, because there are such important implications:

‘Thank you to the cast and crew of The West Wing for supporting @WhenWeAllVote and reminding every single one of us to vote.

‘You can watch the #WestWingSpecial now, and I hope you don’t stop there: vote as early as you can and remind three friends to do it, too. pic.twitter.com/Jj1Njk0LVx

— Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama)’

Twitter world went wild over Michelle Obama’s tweets. Take a look at what people had to say about them below:

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Screen-Shot-2020-10-19-at-11.38.49-AM Michelle Obama Issues Passionate Leadership Message To American Voters Election 2020 Featured Michelle Obama Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-10-19-at-11.36.38-AM Michelle Obama Issues Passionate Leadership Message To American Voters Election 2020 Featured Michelle Obama Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-19-at-11.37.01-AM Michelle Obama Issues Passionate Leadership Message To American Voters Election 2020 Featured Michelle Obama Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-19-at-11.37.19-AM Michelle Obama Issues Passionate Leadership Message To American Voters Election 2020 Featured Michelle Obama Politics Top Stories
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