‘The Lincoln Project’ Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video


There is mourning in Iowa. It comes after a flooded-out crop or with a field too wet to harvest, when the capricious weather comes to collect. This time though, it is far, far worse. A hopelessness has seeped into the very souls of these strong hardy people, pioneers. You see, there is something about working the land that gets into a person’s bones, a groundedness with nature. But now there is mourning in Iowa.

These wind-blown people are up before dawn and finished by the 10:00 o’clock nightly news as they listen to the forecast and the gamble that nature favors them, or not. A harbinger of death, Donald Trump is responsible for crops rotting untended in the field. His casual tariff war caught Iowa farmers in the gut as they watched their markets frittered away. And the towns that depend upon the farmers wilt and droop without their lifeblood.

Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.16.34-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.

Iowans knew that once interrupted, their buyers would go elsewhere, and they waited tensely for their president to repair the damage his empty promises brought. Trump never came to rescue what he had thrown asunder.

Losing a four, five, six-generation farm rips away at people. It is not like a regular bankruptcy, no it is more like failing your father and his father, back until the first time your first ancestor stood there, turned the earth, and looked into the promise of life on the plains.

Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.19.15-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.

Iowa soil is rich, black, and capable of producing great things. The family farmers have managed to ride the seasons, buy the gargantuan-priced combines and other equipment, and let the factory farms eat up the land that others lost. Their GOP senators could have stopped the president, but they sat silent, complicit. Stupidly, these suited legislators believe people will invite them back after the betrayal of many lifetimes.

There is mourning in Iowa. People are filling the cemeteries. There is that final loss of hope with nowhere else to go but into death, the suicides. These are the neighbors who are a part of these brave people who are still hanging onto life. Donald Trump’s greed, selfishness, and cruelty spilled across the countryside, bringing with it the coronavirus pandemic that seeps under the doors and into the windows of home after home.

Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.18.46-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.

Rescuers come, people they have known all of their lives to take away the grandparents, the fathers, mothers, and even the most innocent of children. Donald Trump intentionally, sadistically has spread that vicious, insatiable disease through his packed rallies, laughing and ridiculing people who wear masks like a macabre young teenager. And lying: it is a hoax, masks will not keep you safe, there is a vaccine.

There is mourning in Iowa, because Donald Trump stole their economy, their hope, and their very lives.

Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.16.56-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.
Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.18.04-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.
Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.17.24-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.
Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.19.45-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.
Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.20.01-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
Source: The Lincoln Project There Is Mourning In Iowa.

Watch the powerful Mourning in Iowa here:

‘There is mourning in Iowa.’

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Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.00.36-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.00.55-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.02.52-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.03.06-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-21-at-2.03.29-PM 'The Lincoln Project' Releases Swing State Influencing Wednesday Video Economy Environment Featured Politics Top Stories
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