Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: ‘I Love Women!’


Donald Trump has a Leave It To Beaver understanding of women. In that 1957 TV show, which would be circa the Donald, June Cleaver cleans house in a freshly pressed dress and high heels. Her hair is straight out of the beauty shop, and she never appears to do much of anything except serve meals and try to get rid of Eddie Haskell. Beaver’s dad, Ward Cleaver is the one who really worked.

This shows June as the perfect housewife in her perfect house with her perfect dinner:

Screen-Shot-2020-10-27-at-4.33.47-PM Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: 'I Love Women!' Featured Feminism Politics Sexism Top Stories


Lucille Ball worked on I Love Lucy, but try as she might, she never really escaped that apartment:

Trump claims he loves women, but he has a funny way of showing it. The Access Hollywood tape was released which showed him bragging about sexually assaulting women he did not know:

‘I love them much more than the men.’

Of course, strong women really get under his misogynist skin. He guns for Governor Gretchen Whitmer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R-CA), and NBC correspondent Savannah Guthrie among others.

This last week before the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump pitched suburban housewives at a campaign rally in Lansing, Michigan:

‘We’re getting your husbands — they want to get back to work, right? We’re getting your husbands back to work.’

Weeks before the 2016 presidential election, an Access Hollywood tape surfaced and pulled him back down into the muck with it. Luckily for him, his good friend Russia’s Vladimir Putin bailed him out by releasing Secretary Hillary Clinton’s stolen emails:

‘Trump in Lansing, MI: “I love women and I can’t help it.” –The Recount’

In another version of the rally, this is how Trump sounded:

‘Trump: We’re getting your husbands back to work — Acyn Torabi’

In Donald Trump’s world where time stopped, girls were taught in home economics how to set a table perfectly and cook Welsh Rarebit. The only recognition they received was for baking a perfect pie and winning a blue ribbon at the county fair.

Men worked. Women did not is how the saying went. They were taught the little wife should show up at the door with a martini in hand for her man, wearing an apron, a smile, and nothing else. Like a Playboy Bunny:

As the sixties rolled by, women rebelled against wearing bras and waiting upon men. With the advent of “the pill,” they had far more control over their lives. They could decide when or if they wanted to have children. In the ’70s, women began to leave unhappy marriages. They did not have to have a man in their lives to support them or for regular sex any longer.

In the ’70s and ’80s women thew out their tea parties and white gloves. They took jobs other than as teachers, secretaries, or nurses and became successful. Although they were usually paid less than men. Donald Trump does get that women are not married to their houses. They are not housewives. The TV show Mad Men portrays the Trump world rather well.

Women who stay home by choice are holding honorable and important jobs, but it is a choice. With the new Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett clinging to the far right side by her fingernails and biting Roe v. Wade in the neck, women are threatened with a one-way ticket back to the 1950s and their subservient lives.

Twitter world went crazy. Check out these favorite responses below:

Screen-Shot-2020-10-27-at-4.30.29-PM Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: 'I Love Women!' Featured Feminism Politics Sexism Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-27-at-4.30.42-PM Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: 'I Love Women!' Featured Feminism Politics Sexism Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-27-at-4.30.57-PM Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: 'I Love Women!' Featured Feminism Politics Sexism Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-10-27-at-4.31.16-PM Trump Blows A Gasket During Latest Rally: 'I Love Women!' Featured Feminism Politics Sexism Top Stories

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