Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns


Donald Trump Jr. seems to be feeling the pressure of his father’s potentially impending loss in the presidential race. He has taken to Twitter to push a dizzying array of conspiracy theories about the election, most of which center on a key entirely fictional claim that Democrats are attempting to steal the election from Trump through means like including invalid votes in tallies. In short, Trump Jr.’s Twitter activity proves yet again that — by and large — Trumpism runs on ignorant conspiracies about basic democratic processes. Trump Jr. even complained at one point that Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama did in 2008, as if Jr. fails to understand the concept of… wait for it… population growth. At this point, the Trump 2020 slogan might as well be “numbers are hard.”

Trump Jr. ranted that “[you] didn’t see all of these games, statistical impossibilities, and magic ballots in 2016 because the Democrats figured they had it in the bag and wouldn’t have to break out all the stops.” There are no Democratic games, statistical impossibilities, or magic ballots.

Incredibly, one of Trump Jr.’s many retweets even compared election authorities in the U.S. to the lackeys of long dead former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. No, Jr. — the election going a way that you don’t like doesn’t mean that there’s some kind of de facto Communist conspiracy in the United States. Vote tallies updating in favor of Joe Biden means that valid votes were cast in favor of Joe Biden. This concept is not complicated.

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Seriously — does Trump Jr. understand the concept of a credible source? Or does he think that credibility as a concept is some kind of conspiracy against the true Republican truth-tellers across the internet? He seemed ready and eager to push unverified and quite frankly nonsensical conspiracy theories about the election as if these claims were gospel. He does not appear to have done even cursory fact-checking — and in fact, he’d probably say that most “fact-checkers” were somehow biased against Trump anyway, as if there’s some kind of conspiracy to take down Trump via… presenting facts.

Trump Jr.’s many tweets and retweets included a claim that ballots had been cast on behalf of dead people in Michigan, promotion of a claim that Postal Service staffers were “engaging in voter fraud,” and a video clip of a man crumpling up a piece of paper that was supposed to prove… something, it seems. There is no widespread or systematic election fraud in the United States, period. Jr.’s lying. Why does he seem so ready to see some kind of paradigm-shattering conspiracy behind just about everything he doesn’t like? Maybe the computer system claiming that ballots had been cast on behalf of deceased Michiganders was… wait for it… a glitch. This concept isn’t complicated.

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Eric Trump also posted nonsense. Eric claimed that “the fraud being undercovered / reported is nothing short of insane,” and he said that he “truly hopes” that federal law enforcement “engages immediately.” There is no insane election fraud. This nonsensical claim constitutes mere smoke and mirrors.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-12.00.30-PM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-12.00.21-PM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-12.00.04-PM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-11.59.50-AM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-11.59.36-AM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-11-05-at-11.51.51-AM Eric & Don Jr. Suffer Deranged Post-Election Public Meltdowns Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories