Protesters Meet Trump At The Golf Course To Ruin His Saturday


President Donald Trump went to his golf course in Virginia on Saturday, where protesters were waiting at the entrance. According to one reporter, one of the protesters held a sign reading “Grow up, cry baby loser” and another held a sign that said “We voted. You’re fired.” Trump has refused to concede the recent presidential election that he lost, baselessly claiming that some kind of widespread fraud plagued the process. His claims are not supported by evidence — in reality, the Department of Homeland Security itself has characterized the recently concluded election as the “most secure in American history.”

Screenshot-2020-11-14-at-1.28.52-PM Protesters Meet Trump At The Golf Course To Ruin His Saturday Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Trump went to his golf course on Saturday after the presidential motorcade drove alongside a crowd of his supporters who had gathered in D.C. Trump didn’t offer any remarks to the crowd — he just waved through a closed car window while going on his way to the golf course. His supporters gathered as part of what was called the “Million MAGA March,” and on Twitter, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany claimed that over a million people attended the event — which just has no relationship to reality. In fact, The Washington Post estimated the overall crowd size as in the thousands — much lower than the over a million level that McEnany claimed.

Screenshot-2020-11-14-at-2.05.21-PM Protesters Meet Trump At The Golf Course To Ruin His Saturday Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

According to a report from a journalist on the scene, a handful of Trump’s supporters also gathered outside of his golf course on Saturday. Last weekend, after news networks called the presidential race for Biden, significant crowds of people turned out to the streets to celebrate in cities across the country and even some spots around the world. One of the celebratory crowds was in D.C. in the vicinity of the White House. When news networks made the call for Biden, Trump was yet again out on the golf course, and he saw the crowd celebrating his defeat firsthand when he went back to the White House.

The Trump team has attempted to boost the president’s claims of a rigged election with many lawsuits challenging the electoral process around the country, but many of these lawsuits have been roundly defeated. The Trump campaign’s claims of supposed fraud have only gotten more ridiculous — at a recent press conference in Nevada, top Trump surrogate Matt Schlapp claimed that a so-called whistleblower had seen people in a Biden/ Harris van fraudulently filling out ballots. How stupid does Trump’s team think that Americans are? Why would people perpetrating fraud do so in a Biden/ Harris van in plain sight?

Screenshot-2020-11-14-at-2.06.20-PM Protesters Meet Trump At The Golf Course To Ruin His Saturday Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories