Trump Jr. Caught On Camera Looking Like A Total Disaster


Donald Trump Jr…. doesn’t look great. Among his rounds and rounds of internet ranting about political issues, a video has emerged in which Donald Jr. seems like he’s speaking with a bit of a struggle, to some observers. Donald Jr. appears to have taped the video from a hotel — and not one of his father’s obnoxiously overpriced properties. In the background of Donald Jr.’s video — which he kind of seems to have been taping with a phone at which he was ranting — at least a few shades of beige make an appearance, and hotel curtains are visible on one side of the shot.

In the video itself, Donald Jr. rants about Hunter Biden, one of Trump World’s obsessions. Donald Jr. claimed that Hunter Biden — President-elect Joe Biden’s son — got a “billion dollar investment” from the Chinese government, although PolitiFact reported in May that President Trump’s own similar claim of a $1.5 billion investment value “may be exaggerated.” Hunter was not the only individual involved in this investment operation, and PolitiFact noted that there’s no apparent indication that he broke any laws with his involvement. Ivanka Trump herself has gotten benefits from the Chinese government, PolitiFact noted — specifically, she got “potentially lucrative trademark protections” from China while serving in the White House.

Donald Jr. ranted, in part, as follows:

‘After every major media outlet spent weeks and months trying to pretend the Bidens weren’t tied to China, that there was no link there, that there was nothing shady at all about Hunter getting a billion dollar investment from the Chinese government — I mean this isn’t like he’s dealing with a Chinese businessman that happens to be an American or an expat or something like that but from the actual Chinese government. It was as though that was a conspiracy theory. It was as though that was a hoax, and now we see that I guess the U.S. Marshals and people in Delaware are investigating Hunter Biden for tax fraud, and I imagine it’s amongst other things.’

Check out Jr.’s meltdown below:

Is Donald Jr. really trying to use investigations into the Biden family as a “gotcha!” moment? He does know how many investigations have targeted and are targeting his own family, right?