Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse


Donald Trump Jr. is continuing to push deranged and utter nonsense as his father faces an imminent exit from the White House. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spiral well out of control in the United States, Trump Jr. petulantly insisted on Twitter this Saturday that “people have become sheep,” referring to many people’s acceptance of the basic safety precautions necessary to stop the spread of the deadly virus. His post was in response to a post from conservative commentator Candace Owens, who ignorantly misrepresented the basic reality of the situation and claimed, among other nonsense, that governments are purposefully impoverishing their citizens. In reality, the Democrat-led House passed a new COVID-19 relief package to provide economic support to the American people months ago. Republicans barely engaged.

In another post from Saturday, Trump Jr. presented a twisted pretzel of rhetoric in which he tried to characterize Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as altruistically trying to accommodate Democratic concerns… or something. To be clear, in the immediate aftermath of the election, Graham openly backed Trump’s refusal to concede, and in the time since, he has expressed support for appointing a special counsel to investigate the Biden family, ludicrously comparing the Bidens’ falsely alleged activities to the well-documented global business network in which Donald Trump has maintained a connection throughout his entire time in office. Graham is no covert Democrat.

Trump Jr. whined as follows:

‘This is the difference between Dems and Republicans. Graham went out of his way for the past 4 years protecting Biden not using his subpoena powers, stalling investigations that were far more founded than the Russia Hoax etc… the first chance Joe gets he stabs him in the back.’

Suggesting that Graham has gone “out of his way” to protect Biden is simply laughable. What exactly was Graham even “protecting” Biden from? There’s no legitimate evidence that Biden has any ties to the overseas business dealings that his family members have cultivated. Prior to the election, Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said that Biden “has never even considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any overseas business whatsoever.”

In yet another petulant Saturday Twitter post, Trump Jr. insisted that “at this point their belief systems are the same,” referring to Chinese authorities and the Democrats, which is simply laughably ridiculous. How does one even fact-check a statement like that one? The facts are right there, and Democrats have been plenty critical of Chinese authorities on plenty of occasions. At this point, Trump Jr.’s commitment to ignorance seems fervent.

Check out other nonsense below:

Check out Twitter’s response to Trump Jr. below:

Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.50.26-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.49.49-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.49.28-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.49.12-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.48.39-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-19-at-2.48.20-PM Trump Jr. Rage Tweets His Delirious Weekend Emotional Collapse Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories