Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live


Oh, it looks as if Donald Trump’s eldest son has taken a little time away from his knife fight with his sister Ivanka over who gets to run in 2024 to tell us how hurt his feelings are. That is a bit surprising given that his dad is the insult king. Senior has a nickname for every one of his opponents and everyone who has disagreed with him from Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) dubbed “Liddle Adam Schiff, emphasis on the “Liddle” to a racial slur for the strong woman he could not stand, “Pocahontas” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). It makes one wonder what he calls Trump Jr.

The son in question has modeled himself after his dad including everything from the ducktail hairstyle to divorcing his first wife and mother of his children. Now, Don Jr. is trying to lie like a champ.

He tried on the believe-me, do-not-believe-your-lying eyes tactic his father welds so effortlessly. But the son used too few words in his first tweet to match the Donald. Maybe, he will do better in the second tweet:

‘Nailed it.’

Screen-Shot-2020-12-20-at-7.47.53-PM Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories


Here are just a few of Donald Sr.’s ugly nicknames, as reported by The NY Daily News.

‘Wacky Omarosa (Omarosa Manigault Newman), Cheatin’ Obama (Barack Obama), Mr. Magoo (Jeff Sessions), Little Adam Schiff, Crazy Jim (Jim Acosta), Dicky Durbin, Sneaky Dianne (Dianne Feinstein), Sloppy Steve (Steve Bannon), 1 for 38 Kasich (John Kasich), Crazy Bernie (Bernie Sanders), Crooked Hillary (Hillary Clinton), Cryin’ Chuck / Fake Tears Chuck Schumer, Low Energy Jeb Bush, Little Marco (Marco Rubio). Little George Stephanopoulos, Lyin’ Ted (Ted Cruz), Pocahontas / Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Rocket Man (Kim Jong Un). Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd, Wacky (Frederica Wilson), and last but not least, Liberal Puppet Jones (Doug Jones).’

Don Jr. did better in his next tweet. He used enough words to mimick Dad. Nice Trump swipe with the “failing sketch,” and putting “essential” in quotation marks was a good touch. Unfortunately, he was totally outclassed by the Saturday Night Live (SNL) show. Maybe, by the time he’s as old as Dad, he will be as vicious. He gets a one on your first tweet and a 3.333 on tweet number two:

‘How is a failing sketch comedy show an “essential” business but your families (sic) business or your employer’s business isn’t? The elite take care of their friends and you get to suffer.’

Screen-Shot-2020-12-20-at-7.20.07-PM Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

Twitter world grew huge after these dumb tweets. Check out what the smart responders had to say to him below:

Screen-Shot-2020-12-20-at-7.16.48-PM Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-20-at-7.18.27-PM Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-20-at-7.18.47-PM Don Jr. Spazzes Into Hissy Fit Over Saturday Night Live Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

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