Matt Gaetz Spazzes Out In ALL CAPS Public Freak-Out


As the end of Donald Trump’s time in office fast approaches, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) sounds totally committed to the outgoing president. Gaetz has already announced that he plans to challenge the electoral vote totals when Congress meets to confirm the electoral college results on January 6. Now, in a heated post-Christmas public statement on Twitter, Gaetz loudly proclaims his allegiance to Trumpism, proclaiming that the GOP is now “DONALD TRUMP’S PARTY!” To be clear, no matter what Trump and his allies claim, Donald is a loser in the most basic meaning of the term. He unequivocally lost the presidential election to Biden. Gaetz is fervently supporting a loser.

Partly devolving into all-caps, Gaetz self-confidently tweeted as follows:

‘I’m not going back to yesterday’s Republican Party. THIS IS DONALD TRUMP’S PARTY!’

What does Donald Trump even stand for besides himself? Have there been any real guiding principles of his time in office outside of figuring out, whether intentionally or not, what can do the most damage? Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, the Republican Party didn’t even bother writing up a new comprehensive policy platform, opting to instead point people to previous statements from the party and defer to the Trump campaign. Now, as Americans struggle through the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump is on vacation in Florida. On Monday morning, he — yet again — went golfing. He frequently seems as though he barely cares about the basic responsibilities of the presidency.

Gaetz posted his inane diatribe on Sunday, the day after Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) shared a public statement against the president’s post-election behavior, ending with the hashtag “#restoreourgop.” Gaetz seems to have taken issue with the idea of “restoring” the pre-Trump Republican Party. Meanwhile, Kinzinger characterized the president’s fight against the election outcome as “nothing but [a] temper tantrum and crazy conspiracies.” In a follow-up post, he called the behavior of Trump and his allies in Congress — like Gaetz — “sad, and an utter scam.” After all, despite right-wing claims otherwise, there’s no legitimate pathway by which Trump could secure a second term in office.

Check out Twitter’s response to Gaetz below:

Screenshot-2020-12-28-at-10.29.24-AM Matt Gaetz Spazzes Out In ALL CAPS Public Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-28-at-10.28.11-AM Matt Gaetz Spazzes Out In ALL CAPS Public Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-28-at-10.27.32-AM Matt Gaetz Spazzes Out In ALL CAPS Public Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-28-at-10.27.10-AM Matt Gaetz Spazzes Out In ALL CAPS Public Freak-Out Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories