Ex Trump Lawyer Hit With Post-Presidency Subpoena From Congress


In the book A Very Stable Genius, it was revealed that White House counsel one threatened to resign to stop Trump from pressuring him to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller during the probe into Russian election interference, the Trump campaign’s complicity with that interference, and Trump’s efforts to obstruct justice. He stayed long enough to help Trump get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court and left the White House shortly afterward.

House Democrats and senators from both sides of the aisle on the Intelligence Committee, however, believe the story of McGahn’s time in the Trump administration goes much farther than the authors of the book knew. Although a subpoena was issued to McGahn during the Russia probe, Trump’s White House blocked him from being able to testify. Now, with approval from the courts, that subpoena has been reactivated and McGahn is being called to give testimony as to what he witnessed in the White House once again.

According to the Associated Press:

‘A filing in the Washington-based federal appeals court said that even though the subpoena was originally issued in a prior session of Congress, the committee continues “to seek testimony from McGahn that is relevant to the Committee’s oversight responsibilities and to potential legislative initiatives during the 117th Congress.”’

Although it is unclear whether or not McGahn will be transparent in his testimony and stand against Trump, it is heartening to know that he’s stood up to the president in the past, including sitting for hours of interviews with Mueller, which Trump didn’t know until much later. The probe, now three years old, has not been abandoned.

‘The fact that House Democrats are continuing to seek to question McGahn underscores the extent to which lawmakers plan to continue their focus on President Donald Trump’s conduct even after he leaves office. The full House moved forward Monday with plans to oust Trump from office by impeaching him a second time.’

If their plan comes to fruition, McGahn will testify on March 17, two months after Trump leaves office. It is not known yet whether they will convince the courts to enforce that subpoena.

‘The subpoena seeks McGahn’s testimony on March 17. The full federal appeals court said in October it would once again take up the committee’s bid to force McGahn to appear before Congress but scheduled arguments for February. The issue is whether the House has authority under the Constitution or federal law to ask courts to enforce a subpoena against an executive branch official.’