Trump Humiliated By Latest Presidential Ranking Poll


According to a new PBS NewsHour/ NPR/ Marist poll, a full 47 percent of Americans think that history will regard outgoing President Donald Trump as one of the worst chief executives in the history of the United States. Only 17 percent of Americans offered the same estimation of then-outgoing President Barack Obama when Marist asked the same question in late 2016. This time around, 83 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of independents, and even 13 percent of Republicans characterized Trump as one of the worst presidents in American history, and a full 57 percent of respondents overall said that they disapprove of Trump’s job performance.

Only 16 percent of Americans overall think that Trump has been one of the best presidents in American history. Just 16 percent! In other words, the idea from Trump and some of his allies that he has some sizable base of fervent support among most Americans just isn’t reflected by the facts. Even among Republicans, only 33 percent of respondents said that they think that Trump has been one of the best presidents in American history, suggesting a serious level of fracturing within the GOP that has already proven somewhat evident. Although the party as a whole enabled much of Trump’s destructive behavior over the past four years, Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Ben Sasse (Neb.), and Pat Toomey (Pa.) all recently expressed a level of openness to the recent second impeachment proceedings against the outgoing president.

In the new survey, a full 55 percent of respondents said that they felt as though President-elect Joe Biden would “do more for unity” for the country than disunity, PBS says. In late 2016, the poll results produced a nearly opposite consensus, with 53 percent of respondents saying that “Trump would do more to divide the country than to unite it,” PBS explains.

These poll results aren’t the only ones to recently produce dismal news for Trump. In Gallup’s numbers, Trump recently hit the lowest job approval among the general public — 34 percent — that the polling organization recorded at any point of his presidency. Going forward, with Democratic control of the White House, House, and Senate on the horizon, the national push away from Trumpism is clear.