Biden To Cancel Betsy Devos’s Unfair Anti-Woman Policy


One of Donald Trump’s most heinous acts was revamping a rule about sexual abuse survivors’ rights, especially their legal rights. His administration made it much more difficult for young people, especially university students to understand their legal rights, apparently trying to get them to drop their claims. But President Joe Biden has come to the rescue.


The Time magazine reported in 2020:

‘At the most basic level, the Trump administration’s new rule will make it harder than ever for survivors to understand their legal rights—and if survivors can’t understand their rights, it’s very unlikely that they will use them.’

Donald Trump’s Department of Education under Secretary Betsy DeVos released a set of misogynistic regulations advising these students how to handle sexual abuse. He did this by reinterpreting Title IX:

‘[It] not only places new barriers in the way of survivors coming forward, but, for most victims, eliminates the possibility altogether.’

Title IX is the name of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. This federal law reads:

‘No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.’

The Biden administration will overhaul Title IX rules regarding sexual assault cases on college campuses, according to a letter released by the Department of Education. It said that the department plans to hold a public hearing on how schools ought to handle sexual misconduct cases:

‘Ensuring equal access to education for all students—from pre-K through elementary and secondary schools and postsecondary institutions1 —is at the heart of our mission in the Department of Education’s (Department) Office for Civil Rights (OCR).’

‘Yet sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, which encompasses sexual violence, continues to threaten equal access for students of all ages. Experiencing sex discrimination in any form can derail a student’s opportunity to learn, participate, and thrive in and outside of the classroom, including in extracurricular activities and other educational settings. For this reason, schools have a critical responsibility to combat discrimination based on sex under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX).’

In addition, Biden’s Education Department just announced its plans for a hearing. The department was referring to his executive order advising Education Secretary Miguel Cardona:

‘[R]eview and rewrite Title IX after vowing to scrap the Trump administration’s guidance, which was criticized for victimizing sexual assault survivors.’

Secretary Miguel Cardon released a statement that read:

‘[Reviewing Title IX  is] the first step in making sure that the Title IX regulations are effective and are fostering safe learning environments for our students while implementing fair processes.’

The Misogyny Hate Crime Evaluation Report indicated that misogyny should be recorded as “a hate crime” in 2018:

‘[A] project of two Nottingham universities with the co-operation of the police, recommended that incidents of misogyny be recorded as hate crimes under the law and, as importantly, in the public awareness.’

The results of its findings were stunning:

‘After two years of research, it found that over half the women who contributed had experienced threatening behavior, almost half had been groped, a quarter had been followed home and a quarter had been sexually assaulted.’

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