AZ College Republicans Publicly Turn Against ‘Dangerous’ Election Audit


That shadowy group of “expert” hackers, Cyber Ninjas, is attempting its first election “audit” in Maricopa County Arizona. The company stole its name from Mortal Kombat 2021 Sub Zero Death. The movie bring in Cyber Ninjas to fight Sub Zero, an entity who kills kids. The virgin auditor’s website brags that its people are “profiicent” in what they do. Apparently, spelling is not one of them. And who brags about being proficient anyway? That is like saying my people almost know what they are doing.

Founder, Trump supporter, and conspiracy theorist Doug Logan’s site states that it offers “ethical hacking.” Oh, good. Then, he claimed “very few individuals” in the business know anything about their software “vulnerabilities.” Really? That may not be true, but then again being a conspiracy theorist dances on the edge of reality anyway.

Members of ASU College Republicans were not having any of the Cyber Ninjas’ “audit” of the 2020 presidential election county votes. They claimed the company’s motive of seeking counterfeit ballots six months after the election and multiple real audits as “unproductive” and “unacceptable.”

Maricopa County Arizona Recorder Stephen Richer (R) said the audit was “unhinged.” The county Twitter site released this:

The 2020 elections were run w/ integrity, the results certified by the county & state were accurate, & the 2 independent audits conducted by the County are the true final word on the subject. We know auditing. The Senate Cyber Ninja audit is not a real audit.’

Screen-Shot-2021-05-28-at-9.45.52-AM AZ College Republicans Publicly Turn Against 'Dangerous' Election Audit Donald Trump Featured National Security Politics Top Stories

President Joe Biden won over Donald Trump with 45,109 votes out of 2.1 million, according to The State Press, an independent, student-run newspaper. President of ASU (Arizona State University) College Republicans, a group that endorsed Trump in the 2020 election, Joe Pitts said:

‘Even if this audit were to show Donald Trump won Arizona by 100%, Joe Biden is still the president and Joe Biden still has 295 electors, so nothing’s changing. It’s unproductive to kid ourselves about that.’

Board member of ASU College Republicans Cotton Kieffer noted:

‘(When) there were people accusing one side and another of deleting databases when they had evidence that they didn’t, I knew that this was entering dangerous territory.’

Secretary of ASU College Republicans Arjun Rondla indicated:

‘In theory, an audit would not really discover any fraud, it would only serve to improve confidence in the elections.’

University juniors Rondla and Kieffer have been studying political science. They pointed to the Maricopa Government elections equipment audits of the county’s Board of Supervisors. Rondla said:

‘It’s unacceptable that such a large number of people, for whatever reason, don’t have confidence in our elections, but for there to be an audit done, it has to be done by people who know what they’re doing.’

‘2022 is going to be such a crucial year for the Republican party that everyone is going to need to be together and united in some way.’

Pitts offered some advice to his fellow Republicans:

‘You’re not going to (unite them) by calling them names and calling them conspiracy theorists, you’re going to do it by going to town hall meetings and going to your legislative district meetings and talking about these issues in depth.’

ASU College Republicans will stay on top of “election fraud and security” as they also turn to the 2022 midterm elections. Pitts continued:

‘The solution to (this) is a bipartisan issue, and I think there’s a lot of opportunity going forward with both parties to work on it.  I’m really looking forward to 2022 for the Republican Party, and I hope we can use this year as a reflection of how we can better the party itself going forward.’

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