Congresswoman Majorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) equated the House of Representatives’ request to wear a COVID mask with the “forced-wearing of the Star of David during the Holocaust.” This was not the first time she abused the memory of the Holocaust. As such, she drew the ire of many, including The American Jewish Congress. Then, she tried to put a completely inadequate word-band aid on it.
AJ Congress announced it was launching a “social media campaign” that featured Holocaust survivors and their living testimony, #NotAProp:
‘In response to her persistent abuses of the memory of the Holocaust, we have launched a social media campaign – #NotAProp – featuring Holocaust survivors who provide searing testimony about their experiences and their reaction to actions that demean the Holocaust.’
American Jewish Congress President Jack Rosen responded:
‘Greene should find a different career. Her values don’t align with what we expect out of our Congresspeople. There should be no place in American political dialogue for equating the extermination of six million Jews with life-saving medical intervention. This type of theater is not merely outrageous, it is dangerous: diminishing the atrocities committed by Nazis is tantamount to denial. The Holocaust is a not a stain that can or should be wiped clean, lest it happen again.’
Greene released a statement after she went to see the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. She wrote that she was “very much a normal person.” But she was probably not the best person to make that observation.
Rosen responded:
‘This is patently false. A U.S. Member of Congress is not normal. Their words and views matter disproportionately and can influence and inflame like-minded followers. Further, the views Taylor-Greene espouses are not ‘normal. They either show gross ignorance of the most catastrophic event in human history or callous disregard for the suffering it still causes.”
The first post featured 95-year old author Frank Shatz’s. He was taken captive but survived to escape the Nazi death camp located in Romania. He responded to Greene:
‘Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene’s argument that wearing masks and getting vaccinated in today’s America equates with the Nazi’s order to European Jews. to wear the Golden Star of David is utter nonsense.’
‘Forcing the Jews under Nazi control to wear the Yellow Star of David was the first step of dehumanizing them on their way to the extermination camps. I know, it happened to me. It took me from wearing the Yellow Star to a Nazi slave labor camp in Hungary. I escaped from there. This is why I am able to bear witness today.’
The American Jewish Congress added:
‘Our campaign will engage the public about the horrors of the Holocaust and how the use of it for political purposes is beyond the pale.’
Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.