Trump Goes On Father’s Day Rant On ‘Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers’


What is the opposite of “empathy?” President Joe Biden has empathy so deep, it is in his DNA.  Donald Trump is the opposite, but what is that? By definition the opposite is apathy. But really, his condition is more than that. It can be described as “a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern,” Merriam Webster tells us. That does not sound so horrible, until it becomes a reality.

On Father’s Day, the ex-president was hard at work in his Fraud Lab in his white lab coat with lightning crashing around him. What he does not like, he transports into a false narrative, a fake reality. Then, others either believe the lie he just invented or they die (figuratively speaking, of course). Trump does not just abandon people, he works to destroy them, because now they are his enemies, as he defines them.

When it came to honoring our war dead in France, ex-POTUS did not want to get his hair wet. Was that because it melts? So, he just lied to himself about their existence? The Vox explained what he said:

‘If they really exist, if people really exist that would have said that, they’re lowlifes and they’re liars. And I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes. There is nobody that respects them more. What animal would say such a thing?’

The former president just could not send people a plain “Happy Father’s Day message Sunday.”

Trump released a twisted statement for Father’s Day. Our ex suffered a humiliating loss to now-President Joe Biden, which he denied. The biggest alleged liar had this to say:

‘Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!’

Based upon responses, the ex-president won’t be getting his Father’s Day wish coming together soon. Some of the people around him are also children of “Americans who Died in War Are “Loser’ and”Suckers,” as he described them.

According to Vox, many of those soldiers were fathers:

‘Four reputable news outlets, all citing anonymous sources, report President Donald Trump disparaged US troops, veterans, and missing service members, with several outlets reporting he has called military members “losers.”

So why does Trump keep sending the messages out?

“His reasons? Among them, the bad weather might mess up his hair. He also felt the cemetery was, in his estimation, “filled with losers,” and that the nearly 2,000 Marines buried there were “suckers” for getting killed in a storied World War I battle.”

Donald Trump found himself incapable of sending out a simple “Happy Father’s Day ” message on Sunday morning, instead he opted for a statement mentioning the holiday, and then calling his critics “Losers.”

Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.40.50-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories

Then, he pulled his divide-and-conquer trick out of his stained MAGA hat. The former president, who suffered a humiliating loss to now-President Joe Biden, wrote:

‘Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!’

Based upon responses, the ex-president won’t be getting his Father’s Day wish of coming together soon. President Biden had this advice about our troops to the former president when he was in office.

‘Mr. President, if you don’t respect our troops, you can’t lead them.’

‘BREAKING: Trump rallies are officially back! President Trump will hold a rally in Wellington, OH on Saturday, June 26, 2021. Tune in to RSBN for all day coverage you’ll get nowhere else!’

Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.06.07-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.07.40-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.11.08-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.14.39-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories

Trump only had 2546 takers, but it read:

‘ICYMI: “Trump May Be Banned From Facebook, But He’s Still Reaching Millions:”

Screen-Shot-2021-06-20-at-1.09.44-PM Trump Goes On Father's Day Rant On 'Radical Left, RINOs, Other Losers' Corruption Donald Trump Featured Top Stories


Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.