Appeals Court Rules Against Greg Abbott’s Public School Mask Ban


Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has already made quite a history for himself of backing Donald Trump at the expense of his constituents and the American people. His orders banning mask mandates in Texas school districts played very well with the Trump voting base, but just three weeks ahead of schools reopening, pediatric ICU beds are full in Dallas, Texas, a state where multiple districts are counted as COVID-19 hot spots.

A resurgence of COVID-19 thanks to the Delta variant has hit southern states the hardest with rising infection, hospitalization, and death rates in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. A bill signed by Abbott in Texas prior to the new wave of COVID-19 banning requirements for students and staff to be required to wear masks in public schools ensured that, without some kind of action to prevent the order from standing, the new rise in infections and child deaths would explode come September when schools in Texas reopen.

The Texas Tribune reports that:

The ruling comes on the same day that Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins announced that there are currently no more open ICU beds for children in his county. Unlike the Alpha variant of COVID-19, the Delta variant appears to be more dangerous for children, and new measures are necessary to protect children.

According to CNN:

‘That means if your child’s in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect or something and needs an ICU bed, or more likely if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don’t have one. Your child will wait for another child to die. Your child will just not get on the ventilator, your child will be CareFlighted to Temple or Oklahoma City or wherever we can find them a bed, but they won’t be getting one here unless one clears.’

That judge, facing death threats against himself and his family after making the announcement, issued an order mandating masks in schools and other public buildings. It will undoubtably continue to make him a target, and the judge should be commended for doing the right thing for the children of Texas.

‘Jenkins on Wednesday issued an emergency order mandating masks in certain public spaces in the county, including at county offices and buildings and commercial entities “providing goods or services directly to the public.” The emergency order also mandates masks indoors for students, teachers, staff and visitors at county child care centers and schools, regardless of vaccination status.’