Trump Has A Sad After World Blames Him For Afghanistan Failure


Excuse us while we finish laughing. There. Oh wait, there are a few more guffaws. Okay, we could not believe the words “Biden should resign in disgrace” just slid off of Donald Trump’s tongue. He must have heard someone else use the term. We did not know he knew how to pronounce the word let alone understand its meaning. Maybe, he still does not. Trump and “disgrace” do seem perfect for one another. Take these for example.

For a guy who has no conscience nor compassion, it is hard to imagine him hypocritically rolling words around in his mouth such as  “disgrace” or dishonor, disapproval, disrespect, ignominy, lack of esteem, scandal, or shame.

President Biden is the first president in 20 years to tell Americans the truth about the war in Afghanistan. President George W. Bush, then-Vice President Dick Cheney, and then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld morphed the war from a response to a terrorist attack into a nation-building disaster. Afghanistan has operated under tribe rulership for millennia and will probably return to that.

The Americans prevented another 911 attack and gave Afghani women an opportunity to see what is possible for women for 20 years. But now, they are under Sharia Law again.

Granted, the evacuation was screwed up. The image of terrified Afghanis clinging to the undercarriage of planes to escape is heartwrenching. But Trump is the one who left a time bomb for President Biden. He excluded the Afghan leaders and finagled an agreement with the Taliban for the U.S. to withdraw from the country by May 1. He even invited the terrorist group to Camp David. POTUS moved that back to 911, but it was still too little time to do it properly.

Trump set Biden up then leaned back and gloated, The Newsweek magazine reported:

‘It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy. It shouldn’t be a big deal, because he wasn’t elected legitimately in the first place!’

Then, like magic, the RNC page on their website supporting its withdrawal from Afghanistan disappeared. And what do you know? An RNC spokesperson claimed it removed the page in an update, The Independent reported. Right.

Deputy Chief of Staff for the Republican National Committee (RNC) Mike Reed tweeted:

‘This is so dishonest. We launched a new website last week… some of the old posts haven’t been carried over yet. Go look… all blog/research pieces from years ago aren’t there. But good try attempting to divert attention from the folks actually in charge of this disaster.’

Political reporter for The Washington Post Dave Weigel had tweeted about the RNC’s “404 error” error:

How quickly can the politics around Afghanistan change? Here’s a section on the RNC’s website in June; click it now and you get a 404 error. (Rest of page was about Kosovo/Israel-Arab deals.)’

Screen-Shot-2021-08-16-at-12.19.28-PM Trump Has A Sad After World Blames Him For Afghanistan Failure Donald Trump Featured Military Politics Top Stories

White House reporter and author of The Politico’s West Wing Playbook Alex Thompson tweeted:

‘Worth remembering that some Trump-aligned Republicans argued last fall that Biden was the candidate who’d continue wars in the Middle East and Trump was the withdrawal candidate’

Screen-Shot-2021-08-16-at-12.16.17-PM Trump Has A Sad After World Blames Him For Afghanistan Failure Donald Trump Featured Military Politics Top Stories

And a political reporter for The Forbes magazine, Andrew Solender tweeted:

‘Trump says Biden should “resign in disgrace” over Afghanistan’

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Ah, that must be where Trump heard “resign in disgrace.” Talk about calling the kettle black.

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.