Military Vets Praise Of Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal, In Blow To GOP


There have been a lot of takes on President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, something he and every presidential candidate to run since 2008 have promised to do. Losing a war is never pretty and many of the people of Afghanistan were devastated to see the troops go, but the news media, particularly right-wing news, and Republicans have had quite a time criticizing Biden as the worst president ever for the exit.

The only opinion that matters, however, is that of U.S. veterans, the people who put their lives on the line to protect this country in Afghanistan and many other areas of the world. VoteVets, an organization of progressive veterans for over 15 years, released a survey showing that those Americans whose lives were most affected by war overwhelmingly supported Biden’s decision to withdraw.

VoteVets reports that:

‘When asked, “Do you believe it is time for America to bring troops home from Afghanistan and end the war, or do you believe we need to continue the war in Afghanistan and send more troops in to retake the country from the Taliban?” veterans support the withdrawal by a whopping 63-24 percent margin. That is in-line with findings among registered voters, who support the withdrawal by a 65-22 percent margin, according to the poll.’

Although Fox News pundits like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Jeannine Pirro – not one of whom has ever served in the military – have been incredibly outraged by the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Mary Kaszynski, Director of Government Relations for VoteVets says that:

‘Veterans know the cost of war, so it should come as no surprise that they strongly back President Biden’s decision to end the war in Afghanistan. The military achieved its security mission in Afghanistan a long time ago, when it decimated al Qaeda and brought Osama bin Laden to justice. Veterans strongly believe President Biden is right – it is time to go.’

The most important focus now should be caring for our veterans who served and the refugees and allies who were rescued by our troops. Hopefully, the same energy that fueled all the outrage can be redirected to those efforts.

‘The heartbreaking images we’re seeing from Afghanistan have most Americans feeling a sense of responsibility to care for our Afghan allies. Given how Donald Trump and his radical allies in Congress and right-wing media have riled Republicans up about helping any refugee, this shouldn’t come as a shock that when it comes to doing right by our Afghan allies, Republicans are just not willing to step up in the same way other Americans are.’