Pelosi & Democrats Horrify GOP With Record-Setting Fundraising Numbers


The strength of Donald Trump’s prior campaigns for president has been in fundraising, although these days a lot of those donations are going toward legal battles and in Trump’s personal coffers. Democrats have had some catching up to do and it looks as though they may finally be doing so.

Not only has Democratic fundraising topped a record for an August outside of an election year, but a significant portion of that money came from small donors through grassroots fundraising campaigns. With issues that deeply affect people’s daily lives on the ballot, including vaccinations and reproductive health access, donations have soared.

‘The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says that nearly 250,000 grassroots donors provided $6.6 million, accounting for two-thirds of its monthly total, according to numbers shared with The Associated Press before a public filing deadline.’

Political parties in power in the White House typically lose mid-term elections, as seen in 2010 when President Obama’s Democratic Party lost control of the House and Senate. Democrats are hoping to avoid a repeat of that and Republicans are desperate to do it again in such a critical election.

‘Both sides’ strong fundraising during the summer vacation season, and with the next national election more than a year away, only adds to midterm political stakes that are already high. Democrats have narrow majorities in both congressional chambers, but the party controlling the White House often loses House and Senate seats in subsequent elections.’

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) credited the rise in fundraising numbers for Democrats on Texas’s anti-abortion, anti-women bill, the wide unpopularity of Donald Trump, and GOP resistance to addressing the COVID-19 epidemic.

‘Our grassroots support is proof positive the American people believe in protecting a woman’s right to make choices about her own body, defending our democracy from attacks by insurrectionists, and want to protect the health and economic progress Democrats delivered.’