Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter


The GOP has fully embraced some version of the victim complex in recent years. They’ve been “silenced” by tyrannical liberals even though they serve in public office, appear frequently on right-wing news shows, and get op-eds published in major newspapers. Vaccine mandates are similar to the Holocaust. They’re “targeted” on social media for their “political” views, views about climate change, race, COVID-19, and school shootings – in other words, things that shouldn’t be political but are because the right takes every controversial view that comes around the bend because trolling gets votes.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been testing the waters of Twitter repeatedly to see what might actually get her banned for the past few weeks. She’s supported the people who attacked the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021 and openly called for succession in an attempt to rally more attackers. However, it was her endless COVID-19 vaccine disinformation that finally got her personal account permanently banned from Twitter and now suspended on Facebook for 24 hours.

How has Greene handled this ban so far? She’s been very, very busy yelling about her victim status to anyone who’ll listen, but especially to supporters who donate money to her political campaign.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) pointed out the “scam” Greene is pulling on social media, saying that Greene had refused to vote for a bill to prevent “censorship.” Of course, businesses in the United States have the right to set their own terms and conditions and any argument in court that a Twitter ban violates First Amendment rights would fail miserably. However, the infighting is worth seeing, especially as the 2022 midterms heat up and Greene faces losing her seat.

Twitter was amused by Crenshaw’s big reveal, which most everyone watching already knew. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.16.12-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.16.40-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.16.54-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.17.21-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.17.47-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.18.10-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.18.33-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-01-03-at-2.18.50-PM Dan Crenshaw Calls Out Marjorie Greene For Being A Lying Grifter Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter