North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt


Donald Trump once said that if Democrats had their way and everyone had access to a voting booth, no Republican would ever be elected again. In clear solidarity with that idea, and using the Big Lie – the one that says Trump was cheated out of the 2020 presidential election by Democrats, Never Trumper Republicans, election officials, a vote ta bleating machine company, Venezuela’s late president Hugo Chavez, and Italy…all at the behest of Hillary Clinton and President Obama, of course – to assert the need to make it harder to vote in the name of “election integrity,” a solution with no discernible problem.

A big part of their strategy has involved redistricting in order to push out urban (read: black and brown) voters from accessing a ballot through gerrymandering. In North Carolina, a judge ruled on Wednesday that North Carolina’s map violates the state constitution and summarily dismissed it.

According to Democracy Docket:

‘The North Carolina Supreme Court struck down the state’s enacted congressional and legislative maps for being partisan gerrymanders that violate the North Carolina Constitution. In its 4-3 decision, the court concluded that partisan gerrymandering claims are justiciable and any map “that diminishes or dilutes a voter’s opportunity to aggregate with likeminded voters to elect a governing majority… infringes upon that voter’s fundamental right to vote,” explicitly rejecting the lower court and Republican defendants’ notion that partisan gerrymandering is allowed under the state constitution.’

The news comes on the same day that the gerrymandered district map and ruling that the alternative and more inclusive map submitted by Democracy Docket and Marc Elias should be the one to use instead.

Twitter was grateful to Elias and his team of civil rights heroes. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2022-02-23-at-2.27.48-PM North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt Civil Rights Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-02-23-at-2.28.00-PM North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt Civil Rights Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-02-23-at-2.28.14-PM North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt Civil Rights Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-02-23-at-2.28.28-PM North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt Civil Rights Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-02-23-at-2.28.39-PM North Carolina Court Thoroughly Rejects GOP Gerrymandering Attempt Civil Rights Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter