Biden Uses Basic Math To Shut Up GOP About Roaring US Economy


Unemployment around the U.S. has broadly continued to fall throughout Joe Biden’s time as president, upending the Republican predictions of economic doom that preceded his time in power. As laid out in a statement from the president this Friday, unemployment in every single state has fallen throughout the last year, and many states have hit record lows in their unemployment levels. As of Biden’s statement, almost a dozen and a half states — 17, to be exact — were either at the level of or lower than their previous records for low unemployment. As the president explained it:

‘Americans are getting back to work in every corner of the country in record numbers… These aren’t just numbers on a page: these are millions of Americans back at work and able to support themselves and their families with good-paying jobs and enjoy the dignity a job provides. This wasn’t an accident: this was the direct result of my economic plan to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out. There’s still more work to do to build on this recovery and bring down costs for working families – and my Administration is working on that every day – but we can’t lose sight of how far, and how quickly, we’ve come.’

One major cornerstone of the Biden administration’s economic platform is the bipartisan infrastructure spending bill that Biden signed into law last year. “What we are doing right now amounts to the biggest investment to happen probably since the Eisenhower administration. It is going to be a game-changer here… When we fund these kinds of projects, we are making an investment in the supply chain and in the whole country,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently stated, according to a report focusing on (among other items) infrastructure development in a particular Indiana area. As infrastructure projects funded by the bill continue to roll out, so do job opportunities, it would seem — meaning that more people across the United States can access opportunities to work.

Last month, Buttigieg touted “$2.9 billion in grants for state and local bridge, road and other infrastructure projects” that the Biden administration was prepared to distribute, as summarized by a CNBC report. (That particular sum will apparently be available through specialized, competitive grant programs, with applications for the money due in May.) “These investments will create good-paying jobs, grow the economy, reduce emissions, improve safety, make our transportation more sustainable and resilient, and expand transportation options in rural America and other underserved communities,” the Biden administration remarked. The efforts put in by the Biden administration to combat the COVID-19 pandemic could also be perceived to have positive ripple effects for the national economy, since less exposure to the virus means more opportunities to participate in regular life.