Trump Endorsed House Candidate Disqualified From Running For Office


Republicans who have committed serious wrongdoings or have been caught in public and political scandals have found an out with voters by saying that news of their misdeeds are fabricated by the “woke Left mob.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Sen. Mike Lee weren’t involved in the insurrection or the plot to send a slate of fake electors to overturn the 2020 election, that’s just leftists trying to take them down (there is significant evidence of both). Matt Gaetz didn’t sex trafficking any children, the left is just scared of him (he is under investigation in his home state of Florida). Donald Trump committed no impeachable offenses while in office, that’s just liberals trying to oust him. In the end, however, news of their scandals often prove true.

Although Tennessee Rep. Morgan Ortagus is not involved in a scandal, although many of her statements have caused considerable controversy, she’s been disqualified from voter rolls in the state due to her failure to meet constitutional requirements of having been involved in party primaries previously and having voted in three of the last four primaries. The GOP Republicans in Tennessee voted to uphold those requirements.

According to NBC News:

‘The vote marked the culmination of months of effort by both GOP legislators and activists to boot Ortagus because she had only recently moved to the state. She was endorsed by former President Donald Trump.’


While Republicans claim to be the party of constitutional purists, they often ignore laws enshrined in their state and federal constitutions and insist that judges and other groups overturn the will of the voters. In this case, however, it is Ortagus’ own party who made the decision to disqualify her.

‘The state GOP’s executive committee has the authority to disqualify candidates from the primary ballot for failing to adhere to the party’s bylaws, which require a candidate to have voted in three of the last four GOP primaries, as well as to actively participate in the state or local Republican parties.’

Ortagus argued that the constitutional requirements in her state were unfair and that she should be allowed to run anyway because the twice-impeached ex-president who lost the popular vote twice (so much for the whole “voters should pick their leaders” thing) said that she should.

‘President Donald Trump believes I’m the best person to fight for his America First agenda and Middle Tennessee in Congress, and I’m working hard to ensure that my fellow Tennesseans, including TNGOP SEC members, understand why.’

Sen. Frank Niceley, the Republican who led the legislation, said that this was no act of a leftist mob and that Trump’s endorsement does not undo the constitutional requirements of a state GOP candidate.

‘I voted for Trump. I supported him. I’ll vote for Trump as long as he lives. But I don’t want him coming out here to tell me who to vote for.’