Multiple Supreme Court Members Accused Of Lying Under Oath By Senator Gillibrand


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) accused Supreme Court nominees of “lying” in order to gain a lifetime seat and overthrow Roe v. Wade. The justices-in-waiting certainly spent a lot of time talking about “stare decisis,” which means settled law should be respected. Well, Roe v. Wade certainly was settled — for 50 years.

When she appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, Gillibrand was referring to a leaked draft of Justice Samual Alito’s opinion. It showed SCOTUS planned on overturning Roe v. Wade, which was enacted in 1973 and federally legalized abortion. The senator said:

‘If a corporation put these kind of statements in their quarterly filings, they would be seen to be purposefully misleading and deemed fraud, I think they misled the Senate with the intention of getting their confirmation vote with the intention of overruling Roe.’

Gillibrand continued speaking about “four justices” whose hearings she heard:

‘Four justices in the last hearings I’ve witnessed have said that precedent matters and that precedent is the foundation of our legal system. And so if they just feel they can just upend this precedent because they don’t like it today, well, that’s inconsistent with what they promised.’

The senator has long been a women’s advocate, more recently helping military women who have been sexually exploited. She pointed out that this Roe v. Wade issue took away women’s “right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” — not men’s, according to The POLITICO.

She also wanted to strike down the Senate’ filibuster, which has never had a place in the Constitution. The senator was questioned, asking if the filibuster was gone, would that not give a Republican-heavy legislature the ability to make abortions illegal everywhere. She replied:

‘I don’t think the argument that Mitch McConnell will do bad things is persuasive at this point. [Those bad things] are already happening.’

He has been the man most responsible for loading the courts with ultra-conservative justices Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and self-described as the “Grim Reaper.” He said that was a possibility.

Killing Roe v. Wade has always been about controlling women. If it was really about babies, there would be associated funding mandated such as healthcare and childcare.

Susan Collins (R-ME) voted for Justices Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh and told the press that she felt “betrayed by the…draft opinion.” She released a statement:

‘If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice [Neal] Gorsuch and Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office.’

Notice the loopholes in what she said. Collins has a habit of showing women in her state that she supports them up to nearly the last minute. Then, she pulls the facts out from under them. Collins claimed that what the two men told her in private did not match up with what they have done.

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) also made a statement. She said she asked them about “Roe being settled and being precedent:”

‘It was not the direction that I believed that the court would take, based on statements that have been made about Roe being settled and being precedent.’

Screen-Shot-2022-05-09-at-12.33.31-PM Multiple Supreme Court Members Accused Of Lying Under Oath By Senator Gillibrand Abortion Featured Healthcare Politics Top Stories

The Fox News Sunday regular Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) claimed senators should not press Supreme Court nominees for how they felt about a specific case before giving them a lifetime job:

‘You can’t bargain your way into getting onto the court. So any senator who tries to bargain with a nominee — Will you uphold the case I like or overturn the ones I don’t? — is really doing a disservice to the court.’

View the televised segment below:

 If men could become pregnant, would this be an issue?

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

Three White Lions is Gloria Christie’s new serialized book available in episodes on Amazon. Go to Kindle Vella and insert her name. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.