Buffalo, New York’s shooting massacre sparked outrage among both the Democratic and Republican legislators. The woman who represents Wyoming’s residents, Liz Cheney (R-WY), has had it with the people who slid off of the GOP ticket and down to the Donald Trump Party. She said the current minority leaders have “enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism,” according to The Daily Beast.
Trump opened Pandora’s jar with his words and unleashed “all manner of misery and evil,” in Britannica’s reference to the Greek mythology. Since he was in office, hate crimes have skyrocketed, and the nation has become ever more split.
In her tweet, Cheney called the former president’s words “dangerous rhetoric:”
‘The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOPleaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them:’
Jabara-Heyer’s NO HATE Act revealed a potential solution to decrease the violence as reported by the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said when she spoke at the FBI Civil Rights conference in Denver last year:
‘I see the passage of the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act, along with the advent of the NIBRS system, as a unique opportunity to hit reset, both with respect to the vast number of law enforcement agencies that are currently reporting zero hate crimes to the FBI or that don’t participate at all in the hate crime statistics reporting program.
Gupta continued saying “The time is right:”
‘The time is right now for the FBI to approach each and every law enforcement agency in your district that reports zero hate crimes or does not participate in hate crimes reporting to learn what’s going on and why that’s happening.’
The FBI approached crimes from a number of directions. First of all, the crime itself, i.e. “hate” had to be defined. Then, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) addressed the following:
- ‘Investigative Activities
- Law Enforcement Support
- Prosecutive Decision
- Public Outreach
- Training’
Cheney may not represent the new Trump Party, but Republicans throughout the nation have been watching her in action as a viable alternative.
Three White Lions is Gloria Christie’s new serialized book available in episodes on Amazon. Go to Kindle Vella and insert her name. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.