InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues


For some people, karma still comes even when it comes late. After InfoWars host Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist who hawks beet juice as a health supplement on his talk show, made a lot of money and a name for himself by destroying the lives of people who had just lost their young children to gun violence.

His rhetoric, which said that the families of those elementary children in Sandy Hook, were crisis actors bent on helping liberals take everyone’s guns, were forced to leave their homes and field death threats while they grieved their children. Jones won’t ever face that hardship, but he may be out of a job to become a footnote in right-wing conspiracy theory history.

Free Speech Systems LLC, the parent company of Jones’ show, InfoWars, filed for bankruptcy protection on Friday. The filing comes as the trial to hold Jones and his show liable for the pain and suffering he caused the Sandy Hook families continues. Although such a trial would normally end once the bankruptcy was granted, the company asked for the trial to continue. However, they can use the bankruptcy as a way to avoid paying out the civil lawsuit filed by the families should they lose in court.

The families, at the very least, will finally be able to be heard in court. Mark Bankston, lawyer for the Sandy Hook families, said that:

‘Our clients are pleased that despite the bankruptcy, their trial will continue and that the jury will return a verdict,” Bankston told Reuters in a text message. “Now, InfoWars is heading directly for its long awaited, reckoning.’

Twitter didn’t feel a bit sorry for Jones or his show’s parent company upon hearing news of the bankruptcy. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.25.39-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.26.16-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.26.40-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.26.53-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.27.05-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.27.16-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2022-07-29-at-10.27.35-PM InfoWars Parent Company Files Bankruptcy As Downfall Continues Featured Media Politics Top Stories Twitter