Independent Voters Have Turned Hard Against Trump 2024 Candidacy


A significant margin of Independent voters are against a Donald Trump 2024 candidacy, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll. Of course, the former president has not formally announced his candidacy, but he has been on the campaign trail.

A full two-thirds (67 percent) of Independents interviewed definitely do not want Trump on the ballot again. Only 28 percent felt that he should run. It appeared that once the ex-president lost their vote in 2020, that tanked him with Independents, according to this Pew Research Poll.

An Independent voter who went for the ex-president in 2020, Greg Cox of New Haven, Missouri definitely does not want the ex-president to be on the ticket. The 54-year-old said:

‘I definitely don’t want him to run, because he will split the Republican Party and give the vote to the Democrats.’

Of course, Trump still maintains a firm grip on the MAGA Republicans and has supported a significant number of Republicans in their 2022 campaigns. But that has only gained the not-so-Grand Old Party (GOP) a collection of unusual people running for office with slim to no chance of winning in the general elections.

The great divide among the ex-POTUS voters and regular American voters has been between “White evangelical Christians, whites without college degrees and those in rural areas” for Trump and urban voters and suburban women against him.

FiveThirtyEight has shown that Trump has not been merely unpopular among those who are not his base but “heavily unpopular.”

Screen-Shot-2022-09-08-at-1.35.02-PM Independent Voters Have Turned Hard Against Trump 2024 Candidacy Donald Trump Election 2022 Featured Politics Top Stories
SOURCE: FiveThirtyEight.

Another individual in the survey, an Independent of Lincolnton, North Carolina, Mike Helms also voted for Trump in 2020. But then the 68-year-old said:

‘I think we need someone who can start uniting the country. I don’t think him or [President] Biden can unite this country.’

A total of 61 percent of the poll decided against Trump after 2020. Even his criminal activities have not made the matter significantly different, 65 percent, which is within the margin of error.

Republicans began to lose interest in the 45th president. But after the FBI seized the top secret documents from Mar-a-Lago, they began to return to him.  A full 63 percent of all Republicans think he did nothing wrong. Even if he did commit a crime, 61 percent of the GOP members will vote for him.

Screen-Shot-2022-09-08-at-1.06.53-PM Independent Voters Have Turned Hard Against Trump 2024 Candidacy Donald Trump Election 2022 Featured Politics Top Stories

The ex-president held a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania over the weekend where he went after the FBI:

‘We’re going to take back America. And in 2024, most importantly, we are going to take back our magnificent White House.’

Screen-Shot-2022-09-08-at-12.51.33-PM Independent Voters Have Turned Hard Against Trump 2024 Candidacy Donald Trump Election 2022 Featured Politics Top Stories

Helms will vote for Trump again, but “not happily.” Cox claimed he has left the Republican camp, but he would not vote for President Joe Biden:

‘Maybe I’d vote Libertarian.’

The poll randomly select 1,236 people of voting age, and it was conducted from August 29 through September 1. The margin of error was +/- 4.1 percentage points. Among the 1,151 registered voters in the survey, the margin of error was +4.3 percent. That was a relatively high margin of error giving a point spread of 8.2 percentage points to 8.6 points respectively.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

In Gloria Christie Reports & Three White Lions Substack newsletters, Gloria Christie includes her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletters are for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery (in progress). Find her here on Facebook. Or at Three White Lions her book on Amazon Kindle Vella.