Trump Launches Terrified Tirade After Justice Dept Starts New Legal Action


The Department of Justice is appealing the recent decision of a Trump-appointed federal judge to get behind the selection of a so-called special master for dealing with government documents seized from Trump’s southern Florida resort known as Mar-a-Lago in a recent raid of the premises.

Trump isn’t thrilled. ‘So now the FBI & Biden Department of “Justice” leakers are going to spend Millions of Dollars, & vast amounts of Time & Energy, to appeal the Order on the “Raid of Mar-a-Lago Document Hoax,” by a brilliant and courageous Judge whose words of wisdom rang true throughout our Nation, instead of fighting the record setting corruption and crime that is taking place right before their very eyes,’ Donald said on Truth Social. ‘They SPIED on my Campaign, lied to FISA COURT, told Facebook “quiet,” preside over worst CRIME WAVE ever!!’ The U.S. is not in the middle of the worst crime wave “ever.”

One of the claims Trump more recently added to his familiar laundry list of complaints is the diatribe about Facebook, and he got it — no surprise — totally wrong. According to Meta, which is what the parent company running the social media platform is now called, the FBI never specifically advised Facebook about a story regarding a laptop connected in reports to Hunter Biden. The federal law enforcement agency simply provided general warnings about threats from potential foreign meddling operations as concerns circulated about the origin of the Hunter Biden story, and at Facebook, the reach of the story was subsequently restricted — although no social media platform’s decision stopped the story from nevertheless getting out, which undercuts any claims of substantial censorship.

“They leak, lie, plant fake evidence, allow the spying on my campaign, deceive the FISA Court, RAID and Break-Into my home, lose documents, and then they ask me, as the 45th President of the United States, to trust them,” Trump added. “Look at the I.G. Reports on Comey, McCabe, and others. Things are safer in the middle of Central Park!” Conjecturally, Trump doesn’t need to trust them — the documents that are under dispute aren’t legally his, per the relevant standards. It’s not like the Justice Department is looking after something for him. In addition, there’s obviously no real-world indication anyone from the Justice Department planted evidence at Mar-a-Lago amid the raid or broader criminal investigation into the handling of documents.

Image: Gage Skidmore/ Creative Commons